The kind of folding I've been working on this week isn't that kind.
I have stored my fabric in plastic totes. The trouble with those plastic totes is that, in order to not have to climb in to the closet to get them... I leave them out. Then, digging through all the fabric to find what I'm looking for... well, that wasn't always easy either. So after promising my husband over and over that the fabric all over the house situation could be improved, he went and picked up a new (to me) hutch from my mom's storage shed.
And I've got four totes down, with a couple more to go.
Here it is...
On the top I put my "blenders" -- sorted pretty much by color. The top shelves have the 1/2 yards (or whatever is cut to the WOF), the bottom shelf has my neutrals, solids, and fat quarter size pieces (far right are my French General pieces too).
I'm making "mini bolts" for the bottom shelves.
I started earlier today, after the UPS man brought my comic book boards (yes, I do like French General).
And then we went swimming (because swimming, while pregnant, feels SO good I can't even say)...
So these neutrals are still waiting for me.
In other news...
32 weeks tomorrow.
Linking to Lee's 
Speaking of Lee -- She has entered a beautiful fabric in a contest... You should go vote for her here.
This is her fabric swatch... so cute methinks.
Speaking of contests... I entered my niece's quilt in Riley Blake's "Cruisin'" contest... You can see it here, and vote for me in a couple days, should you be so moved. :)
(I'll do a full post then, but it really turned out cute).
I made a cream pie last week.
and put strawberries on it.
Thank you for all the love on maybe baby boy's quilt (and the belly too). I really need to find me some energy to get that one, and this one all finished! Steiger decided to break his water at 38 weeks... which gives me 6 weeks to go! Eeps!
what an exciting time--and it's getting super close because you're nesting already--did you notice?
I voted for Lee's fabric earlier today and commented on your quilt without knowing it was yours! You are one rockin' mama!!
your folding looks lovely. I certainly know the feeling of promising the DH to clean up and well not getting around to it. Great he helped give you some incentive!
So sweet! I love your niece's quilt!
I'm envious of your fabric hutch! My shelf is collapsing (too much fabric, perhaps?), so I'm in need of something new.
Your fabric looks so pretty in your new hutch :)
AHH!!! The hutch looks great! And so does that pie! And seriously, that quilt is CRAZY CUTE!!! Like, I'm dying! It matches her walls PERFECTLY! I'm voting for you!
Yay for 32 weeks! You're in the home stretch! And I love your Riley Blake quilt, good luck. Thanks for the CT contest plug!!
A great idea to store your fabric in a hutch where you can see them all of the time. A good source of inspiration.
All that coordination and organization just makes me happy :) Esther
Its been a while since I have read your blog. So busy with stuff going on I barely even read blogs much anymore.
I love that cabinet. I am scared that when I move I will have a hard time storing my fabric and will end up doing the tupperware thing. Not looking forward to that.
Funny thing too, I just packed it away yesterday and of course today I am digging through the dang box to start a project. LOL
I remember how nice swimming while the size of a small whale was, LOL! Love that quilt top you show. What great colors. I love your fabric cabinet.
Sweeet stash Tracey!!! How about that quilt for your niece,so yummy!
Is that nesting we're seeing? What a great way to use it, by cleaning up the stash. I did that awhile back, the stash not the nesting, what a difference and I can actually see what I have and get to it.
So I guess you're having that legendary spurt of pregnant productivity? The fabric looks great, and I know you'll be so pleased to have it all at your fingertips! Let us know when the poll opens for the Riley Blake contest - that quilt is adorable!
wowsers! lovely fabrics/storage!
I recently decided that the plastic bins were terrible. I foundI had to move them all as the one I wanted was always on the bottom and sometimes things wound up in the wrong bin as a result of lack of space. I bought a bookcase with glass doors. I also applied Artscape Etched glass to the doors. It does not use adhesives and is easy to remove at any time but it Provides UV protection and obscures the view slightly.I love the new storage. No more Bins!! Yeah!
Wow, your storage looks great! It's so hard to keep fabric organized in plastic totes but on display like that it'll look great.
love your new fabric storage!! brilliant! looks great and will be much easier to use :)
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