So, as you can see, my plan to keep up on WIP Wednesday failed. For a number of reasons actually.
1) The hard-drive on my computer failed. It's just not the same using Jay's. I don't think I want to buy a new one though, because I want to get something like this instead. 
It's a fancy-pants long-arm sewing machine, with a quilter's frame so I can do my own quilting. Because I took 3 quilts to the quilters this week alone (they've been in the works for months), I think this might be a good investment. I can also potentially turn it in to a small business... but then of course there's the fear that I won't want to do it any more when I have to. For those of you familiar with Myers-Briggs, my P-ness tends to get in the way of tackling obligations. Deadlines... blegh.
2) Nap-time is precious. If I want to actually get a shower, some laundry or dishes done, dinner made, or any of my quilts progressed on, I have to take advantage of it, and not squander my time away on the computer (way too easy to do).
3) Last Wednesday was our anniversary. And my Grandma was getting heart surgery. :( We've been a bit preoccupied with that.
BUT -- here are some snippets of life's goings. (Not necessarily in chronological order...I do have to get in the shower before the boy wakes up!)
Our Sarah came to visit. Sarah was there when Steiger entered the world a little over 7 months ago, and we loved seeing her again. I think Steiger is helping to convince her that California is where she belongs.
This was Steiger on Halloween. We spent it in Redding because we wanted to get out of town and visit Jay's side of the family after stuck here with a harvest that just wouldn't quit. We actually spent 2 weekends in a row in Redding... (adding to the reasons I haven't updated here).

I made my Grandma a quilt in about 3 days. When I was taking everything in to the quilters, I left Jay with Daddy. This is what I came home to:
In his jammies at 2:00, and sporting a mo-hawk. Daddies are great...
I don't have a picture of the quilt I made for my Grandma (I was hurrying!), but here is the fabric line I used:
I think I might have to make something for myself in this line.
Steiger is 7 months old now (just a little over actually). And such a joy. Except when he's screaming in the car.

Isn't he cute!?!
Now, for a note on my quilty projects. In 2 weeks, I need to finish 3 more of these:
+ add borders
Make a surprise Christmas lap-quilt/table topper, and get binding on all the others.
I finally got fabric for a quilt for Steiger (poor baby... doesn't have a quilt from his mommy yet)...
Crap. he just woke up crying after less than 1/2 hour of sleep. Moms out there, sympathize with me on the morning nap being botched. (Waking up crying is never a good sign... means fussiness until the next one). And I didnt' get a shower. Thank you Steiger for illustrating the reason for my lack of blogginess.
It's a fancy-pants long-arm sewing machine, with a quilter's frame so I can do my own quilting. Because I took 3 quilts to the quilters this week alone (they've been in the works for months), I think this might be a good investment. I can also potentially turn it in to a small business... but then of course there's the fear that I won't want to do it any more when I have to. For those of you familiar with Myers-Briggs, my P-ness tends to get in the way of tackling obligations. Deadlines... blegh.
2) Nap-time is precious. If I want to actually get a shower, some laundry or dishes done, dinner made, or any of my quilts progressed on, I have to take advantage of it, and not squander my time away on the computer (way too easy to do).
3) Last Wednesday was our anniversary. And my Grandma was getting heart surgery. :( We've been a bit preoccupied with that.
BUT -- here are some snippets of life's goings. (Not necessarily in chronological order...I do have to get in the shower before the boy wakes up!)
Our Sarah came to visit. Sarah was there when Steiger entered the world a little over 7 months ago, and we loved seeing her again. I think Steiger is helping to convince her that California is where she belongs.
I made my Grandma a quilt in about 3 days. When I was taking everything in to the quilters, I left Jay with Daddy. This is what I came home to:
I don't have a picture of the quilt I made for my Grandma (I was hurrying!), but here is the fabric line I used:
Steiger is 7 months old now (just a little over actually). And such a joy. Except when he's screaming in the car.
Isn't he cute!?!
Now, for a note on my quilty projects. In 2 weeks, I need to finish 3 more of these:
Make a surprise Christmas lap-quilt/table topper, and get binding on all the others.
I finally got fabric for a quilt for Steiger (poor baby... doesn't have a quilt from his mommy yet)...
Crap. he just woke up crying after less than 1/2 hour of sleep. Moms out there, sympathize with me on the morning nap being botched. (Waking up crying is never a good sign... means fussiness until the next one). And I didnt' get a shower. Thank you Steiger for illustrating the reason for my lack of blogginess.