From what we thought were bunnies, but turns out it's squirrels too (we can't completely rule out the bunnies because there was a live one in there the first time we took our car in--they chased it around at the repair shop).
On Sunday, Jay erected this little barrier around the car after Elli, our dog, alerted us to some activity under its hood.
The car was already having trouble starting, and has been scheduled for its third not covered by insurance because of rodent damage repair.
In the mean time, it looks like this.
These are the plywood panels that were waiting to be covered and put up as a make-shift headboard (as soon as I decided which fabric to use). Now I suppose they serve a nobler purpose.
I've been sharing my tomatoes with the squirrels all summer. For a few weeks, I wondered why they weren't turning red, until I went out one early morning to take pictures of a quilt in the beautiful morning light, and I saw a squirrel running across the yard with a very ripe and red tomato in its clutches.
This is what my heirlooms look like when I go to pick them.
We have eight tomato plants, and live in Northern California (perfect tomato weather), and this is the first untouched big tomato I've picked all summer.
I celebrated it with salt, pepper, and a little rice vinegar.
It had a few smaller friends left unspoiled
... so combined with the partly chewed on heirlooms, I made this.
Don't worry. After simmering for four hours, I feel confident that all squirrel saliva was boiled off....
In case some of you are as depressed about the squirrels as I am, I'll leave you with some cuter images.
Steiger discovered my color card.
Look at those little hands scooting across the colors.
This black swatch, and the row with mustard in it had to be rescued by Elmer's when he was done, but all is well.
P.S. The above barrier is a temporary solution... though, we're starting harvest next week, so perhaps Mr. Jay will want me to stick with this until they can find something more suitable... but I don't know. We've also got traps and repellent out. Please don't laugh at me. OK, you can laugh a little. I actually made Jay look at these pictures last night so he could see what I see... we both laughed.
Wow! You certainly do have a squirrel problem. It makes you wonder how something so cute can be so destructive. Too bad about the tomatoes, but they can have my share :) (a fruit/vegie I don't eat).
Okay, I'm laughing, but just a little! Mostly I feel sad for your poor car!
Lord, what a mess! As if it wasn't enough that they're destroying your car, they have to eat your tomatoes, too! Good luck getting rid of the pesky beasts!
Oh my that's just awful! I think our dog keeps bunnies and squirrels away up here. He was recently skunked. I'm sure he was trying to eat it. Our big problem is wild turkey and deer. They breed like rats up here. They get into everything and I'm constantly having to slam on my brakes when driving.
Wow, Um that barrier is something else. I can't imagine taking it apart and having to put it together everytime you want to use the car. It would certainly keep me indoors.
That'll really make you think about whether you really need to go to the shops or not! What a nightmare. Squirrels used to steal my mum's strawberries - they'd even chew their way through the nets to get there....and then there'd be holes that the birds to get through too.
ok, that is a huge drag. And a lot of work when you want to go for a drive! So sorry the rodents are enjoying your wheels more than you are these days.
Tracey, that is AWFUL about the squirrels! So frustrating :( Esther
we had really bad squirrels last year and had to call out a trapper and exterminator for pests...they laid bait (to kill em) and traps as well in case they could catch them...they ate my entire tomato harvest, jalapenos, bell peppers and squash!!!! Be careful though they can climb...they climb over our fence...we only found that out after I put up a barrier similar to yours around all my plants....good luck!!!!
I feel for you. Look at my name.
You have my sympathy -- I have been doing battle with squirrels for years. Today I was admiring my freshly mowed lawn and noticed something red in the branch of my tree -- Yep! It was a gnawed tomato! I may have to join you in posting about the rotten rodents.
Geez that really sucks!! I hope you can find a solution and your car stops getting invaded.
Sucks about the tomatoes too, I would be really mad.
S looks awesome as usually with his chubbiness :)
I don't know how to keep the squirrels out of your engine but I have heard that if you put out pans of waters for the squirrels, they will leave your tomatoes alone - they're just thirsty! Maybe if you leave them far far away from your car, they'll leave it alone, too! Steiger's a darling, just like always!!
Wow... we had issues with squirles in the attic in N Ca ... they ate the plastic coating off the electircal wires and my husband found out the hard way. Never had that problem with tomatoes, but they don't have a chance because my dog eats the tomatoes... ugh
For some reason I thought you were in Iowa or Nebraska, a plain state... where in N CA are you? I grew up in Weaverville, spent time in the Bay Area and my family all lives in Redding now.
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