In order to get the star points to match up, you have to have rather consistent sizing.
For me -- I cut my star point pieces at 2 3/16" (a scant 2 1/4"), and that works out perfectly. When I used 2 1/8" for my star points, there were tiny gaps in between the star point pieces on the snowball blocks, and the pieces on the framed points.
This week, you're going to be checking your intersections basically, by making a few of the snowball blocks, and a few of the X blocks, and piecing them together... kind of like what I did here.
You get to decide how many you want to make for your first mock-up; I did a nine-patch, but you don't need to do that many.
Each snowball block requires:
one - 8 1/2" square (focal fabric) and
four - 2 7/8" squares (contrast for the star points)
Each X block requires:
one - 8 1/2" square (focal fabric) and
four - 2 7/8" squares (contrast for the star points)
Each X block requires:
Eight of your four-patch units
eight - 2 1/2" squares (background fabric -- white/neutral)
eight - (scant) 2 1/4" squares (contrast star points)
eight - 2 1/2" squares (background fabric -- white/neutral)
eight - (scant) 2 1/4" squares (contrast star points)
First -- Make some snowball blocks
Cut 8 1/2" piece of fabric
Cut four 2 7/8" pieces of contrast fabric for corner star points
Sew from diagonal corner to corner
Trim 1/4" from sewn line
And you have a pretty snowball block
For the Chain/X blocks
Snag eight of your little four-patch units (they should measure 2 1/2" square)
Cut eight 2 1/2" squares of your background fabric
Cut eight 2 3/16" squares (scant 2 1/4") of your star points.
Put a small square on the larger background square.
Sew diagonal corner to corner on the smaller star-point square (doesn't matter which side -- you can always rotate the point in place)
Trim 1/4" from sewn line (I chain-pieced and trimmed them all at once)
Press half towards the light, and half towards the dark
This picture shows how your X blocks pieces are arranged with the star points and four-patch units
This week's assignment:
Make at least 2 chain blocks and 2 snowball blocks, and sew them together -- you are checking for matches.
If they match up; you know your seam allowances and measurements are good. If they don't (if they're wide -- you need to cut a little smaller; if there's a space, you need to cut a little more generously).
In other chubby stars news --
While visiting flickrland the other night, I squealed a little bit when I saw that Heather Bailey herself (!!!!) liked my progress so far! (She even approved of my star point color choice -- which was VERY reassuring -- I adore her color combos) I doubt these designers know how happy it makes us quilters when they like what we're doing with their art. But like it we do. :)
It got even better though.
I got an email from Karen asking to play with my chubby stars blocks on her EQ 7 (I do so want one of those for Christmas...too bad very few of my real-life people...aka Mom or husband... read this).
First she came up with these...
I think this was my favorite of her virtual quilts.
image from Karen's blog |
Thank you Karen!
Even though she gave me extra work by coming up with the idea of finishing the chain as a border, I love these. :)
So I've got even more than 400 four-patch blocks to go. This is the current state of my four-patches (some still in two patch strips; others waiting for ironing)
Thanks for the second step. I just finished ironing my fabric and will now start on step one - already I'm behind!
Thanks for the shout out Tracey! I love these quilts you're making.
Oh! And sorry about the extra work. ;-)
Yay! Thanks again for all the hard work you are putting into this. I appreciate it! I can't wait to try some of these snowball blocks. I still have more work to do on the four patches. I've lost count to where I'm at. I'm guessing I need around 70 more. Suddenly 70 sounds like such a small number. :)
I've said it before and I'll say it again, goodness, that's a big (beautiful) quilt you've taken on! Wow, Tracey!
Ok, seeing that all your square blocks are not done makes me feel better as mine are all over the place between done and strips to be ironed.
Love that you are giving us the chance to work through the good for us size rather than cut a bunch and be frustrated when 1/8 would have made it easier!
Nice Blog! Love the chubby stars you are doing and your son's name and pictures. What a cutie! Also be careful of those wascally wabbits! Sorry to have to joke about your woes but it is too odd, so that it is funny. I'm just imagine them sitting in the bushes, just waiting until the coast is clear so they can go gnaw on more wires.
Don't let em get you down.
I LOVE that you have worked out how to make the stars line up. You have really worked out all the details for this quilt, which makes this quilt along so great.
I also really like the chains completed in the border, so I'm going to add that into my quilt too. Thanks for an awesome quilt along!
xo -E
Hi, i love this quilt and am joining up Toni
It is looking WONDERFUL!
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