Some of you may know about the Scrappy Mug Rug swap going on in flickr land (I think they're going to do another round for the holidays if you're interested). (This is the one I made for my partner)
While I was going to town to pick up the car, Mom and I went to a thrift shop... and I found this pretty little cup.
I've always known I liked the Pyrexy/milk glass mugs and cups, so I decided to start collecting them (and I might have been given a little encouragement here.)
Of course I had to make my new cup a mug rug.
If you look closely, you'll notice my cross stitches are uneven, and I switched from embroidery floss to perle cotton (thus the discrepancy in french knot sizes)...but it's folksy, and I like it.
The inspiration came from the cup (obviously), and Mandy's placemats she made a little while back.
My facebook status on Friday read "I need to finish a quilt this weekend... that is my goal."
I didn't quite get it finished, but considering Mr. Jay was working all weekend (harvest time around these parts), I think it was pretty good to put the last of my basting pins in by 10 pm last night (basting absolutely can't be done while S-man is awake).
You say you want to see a sneak peek?
All right. But only a little section, not quilted yet, and from a funky angle...
(it's even better in person...and there's one thing almost crossed off the list)
Love the mug rug with matching cup! I'll have to go check out the swap!
Love the mug rug!! I've been trying to resist but I think I'm going to have to go all in
Love the mug rug and inspiration cup! You're so clever.
That is so awesome how that mug rug coordinates. Well done!
Well, if that isn't the most adorabley perfect matchy mug and mug rug, I don't know what is!! LOVE IT!
Cute mug rug and because I'm nosey I think I know what the Fandango is going on with that quilt you've been making ;)
That little mug rug is awesome! Love the mug too! great call.
I agree about basting while the toddlers are awake! Not a good idea! : )
Loving the fandango!
What a great idea to match the mat to your dish design!
I still have my old Butterfly Gold Corelle dishes, and when I talk about updating them, the kids complain. I have added pieces over the years thanks to EBay. An oldie but a goodie I guess :)
A pic here:
I love your mug rug and with the mug it is seriously perfection!
Um I love this! The mug is so cute, hard to find a good red one! And your rug looks fantastic with it. Cute cute cute! Now, if only I drank things in mugs....
Love, love it!!
I love the matching mug rug and mug! So darling Tracey!!!
I told you this on flickr, but that mug rug is awesome!!! And I see you're doing some improv curved piecing!! Yay! I think I'll have time to get the tut up for doing that this month maybe?
That is so cool! What talent to recreate a little design with fabric!
I'm catching up with all you've done while I've been traveling and therefore, not following blogs. Thanks for all the GO Baby reviews. I love how your Chubby Stars is coming along. And I absolutely love that you made a mug rug to go with a thrift store mug!
Love the scrappy mug rug! Very creative...and what a find with the cup! With my daughter's wedding, I haven't been on line much. Good to catch up with you. I'm so impressed by all the things you are able to accomplish. Beautiful stuff! Thanks for sharing.
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