Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"French Kisses" top and quilt along

Pin It My first pattern is almost done!  And here is the quilt top. :)

It just needs a few finishing touches... you know, like...
quilting (by Lindsay of Eileen Quilts -- can't wait to work with her!)...
testing (by Kelly)...
editing and publishing! (by me)

I'm sure it will be available as a PDF, and I'm trying to figure out if it will be cost-effective to have it available as a paper pattern too, but because of how I'm diagramming everything, it really will be best in color (easy to do with a PDF of course).

If you study the design, you can see that it is a play on a couple basic half-square triangle designs, two of my favorite HST designs.  One night (hmmm, I believe it was actually the wee hours of the morning), while I was nursing the Little Miss, I dreamt up combining the two designs (I do a lot of imaginary quilt play while I'm nursing).  The thing is, I love HST designs, but I don't like all the piecing that goes with them; all those little triangles really make for a lot of pieces!  So I thought about how I could potentially simplify the blocks, and here it is -- "French Kisses."

Wanna see it again?  But with different colors?
The first quilt I did up with this pattern is actually going to go on our bed.  Here is a picture of it without the borders added (fabric is Secret Garden by Sandi Henderson, if you're curious).  I did a lot of fussy cutting for this one, and also played with solids on the corners of the blocks.

Sleeping under it will be cozy. 

The pattern cover will feature the quilt in Rouenneries Deux, (as you all know how I like the French General fabrics) and the directions will be written for both fat quarters or a layer cake.  The pattern should be conducive to a fat-eighth bundle too, with the cutting diagrams easily lending themselves to figuring that out (all the cut sizes are less than 9").

yea!  Someone's making a button for me!

When the pattern is all ready, I'll be kicking it off with a quilt along, and a giveaway of this Rouenneries Deux layer cake!

So, if you like the design, and would like me to do your math for you, I'd love you to join us. :)

And if you want to get your fabric ready -- these are my (not 100% final and published, but really close) fabric requirements: 

Quilt measures 64" x 80"
20 fat quarters (10 light/background and 10 medium or dark)
2 1/4 yds. outer border (I used the roche solid because it looks like linen)
(If you want more variety for your focal centers or for fussy cutting, throw in an extra fat quarter or two)


A layer cake
2 1/2 yds. background fabric
2 1/4 yds. border

(Again, throw in a fat quarter or two if you'd like more flexibility with your fabric choices, or to fussy cut)

I hope you like "French Kisses" as much as I do.

(sorry, again, couldn't help myself). ;)

And now may my children sleep dreamily so I can get the computer work for this done!


Sharon - Lilabelle Lane said...

Hubby is home from work today so I have asked him to make a button. Can I get your email address to send back what he makes pls. hugs, Sharon

Anonymous said...

Mmm gorgeous! I love the fabrics in the Rouneneries pattern the most, but love the design in the Secret garden quilt so much more, the symmetry is much nicer, will the final pattern have both sizes?

Nicole said...

Ooh la la! Love that pattern. The two versions look so different, still equally as stunning!

Heather D. said...

It's wonderful! I need to rekindle my love for HSTs that I once had! I love how the diamond shape carries on into the borders. Awesome.

Tanya said...

I love it! So versatile, as you've shown with the different fabrics. Good job!

EJ said...

It's such a pretty pattern!

Leah said...

Great quilt! Love your color placement.

Erika :: Ollie & Olina said...

What a great pattern!! Well done! This will look amazing in so many different colors. Love it!

Katie B said...

Oh, mama! This is gorgeous. I have a lonely layer cake in need of a project that might be just right for French Kisses...

Zoe's Attic said...

Love it! I have a fat eighth pack ready to go. Will I need the background yardage if I use fat eighths?

Rebecca said...

Beautiful! Off to find a deal on a layer cake. :)

QuiltNut Creations said...

This is fabulous! The last thing I need is to join another quilt along ;) but this one I can not resist!! Absolutely beautiful!!!

Sarah Craig said...

How beautiful, Tracey! Great design, and I love the way the blocks hang over the border!!

CJ said...

Pretty! I can't decide which one I like better though. :)

Carla said...

this is so lovely! Lookin forward to the quilt along : )

Luv 2 Kreate said...


felicity said...

"French Kisses" ooh la la! Gorgeous pattern, Tracey!

verykerryberry said...

Love how the diamonds creep into the edges, wonderful effect!

Kami Gimenez said...

I LOVE it and I'm ready for the quilt along!

Tammy said...

Oh, I can't wait for the quilt-a-long. Gorgeous quilts you've created with wonderful fabrics!

Poppyprint said...

This is a gorgeous pattern Tracey! Congratulations!!

Kirsten said...

Both versions of this quilt are so beautiful Tracey - such a lovely pattern!!

Kristen said...

I love this! The color play of medium and lights is really nice!! The second quilt shows off the fussy cutting really well.

Manda said...

Wow I love it! Beautiful pattern!

Heidi Grohs said...

Can you just send that quilt in the French general to me! It would look perfect in my house....

I love, love your work? I have told that before, right? Especially since I am always copying you!!!!

What Comes Next? said...

Amazing quilt design - well done!

Unknown said...

Yes, I would love to make this pattern. I love the two quilts you've made. Yes, I love the French General fabrics as well.

Karen said...

Its a wonderful design Tracey! Good luck with your debut pattern.

Lee said...

Oooh! I missed this until now! It's gorgeous! Congrats on your first pattern! : )

Library Gal Quilts said...

I love it! And yes, I will quilt along with you! I think I'll use a layer cake! I'll put your button on my blog when I get a chance! Congrats on a wonderful pattern!

Kristy QP said...

Love love love. This is just beautiful!


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