(link to flick group here)

A call for blocks... if you feel so inclined...
This is my friend Chelsa.
We went to college together. She is a sweetheart of sweethearts. And sassy, and kind, and genuine...
She lives in another state, so I rarely see her. A few months ago, I was heartbroken to learn that she was diagnosed with bone cancer. They told her it was incurable. You can read her story here, but bring tissue with you.
Every time I thought about her, I got anxious and sad. And I wanted to do something.
I can't really give her money.
I can't see her easily.
But I CAN make her a kick a** amazing quilt. One that is so beautiful it pains me to give it away. And I can pour in to it all my prayers and love and blessings.
I thought, and thought -- and one morning, I decided her quilt was going to be made of scrappy sprouts. Ones inspired by the famous Orla Kiely motif. Ones that look like my favorite time of a garden (when those little sprouts are just popping up). And ones that are made of perfect, beautiful little pieces of fabric. (With mixed neutrals for the background of course.)
So I made a couple blocks.
And as I thought about it, I thought -- maybe my other beautiful bloggy friends would like to put a block or two in to her Blessings quilt.
Kristie, and Michelle, and Cherie sent me some blocks to add to my own, and they are so beautiful together.
I'm not writing up a full tutorial (there is a for sale pattern out there that is a little bit similar), but here are the cut sizes (unfinished), and I'm guessing many of you should be able to figure it out by this. The block measures 13 1/2" x 6 1/2" unfinished, and each of those little square sections are 2 1/2" unfinished.
If you would like to contribute a block (or two), you need:
- monochromatic scraps of any bright, fresh color for the sprout (quilt shop quality fabric please)
- mixed neutral scraps for background (some solids or linen mixed in is fine)
- a 1 1/2" x 6 1/2" scrap of green for the "stem"
- all the love, prayers, blessings, good thoughts, and best wishes you can shove in to a quilt block
Email me when your block is ready, and I'll send you my mailing address.
Chelsa doesn't know I'm doing this. But I can't wait to send her her quilt. I'd love to have it for her for Christmas, so if you could send blocks by November 20 or so, that would be wonderful. :) (I need at least 40 blocks for the lay-out I have planned, if you were curious.)
In other WIPs --
- working on the pattern for my Cosmic quilt
- Trying to finish quilting the Pickledish!
- Trying to figure out buttonholes for a dress for Scarlet!
- Praying my dad's harvester stays strong for the last 10 acres! (Jay's already broke down! gah!)
Linking to Lee's WIP Wednesday! (when it's up -- yes I posted a little early)
Our blocks look so nice together! Funny how you and I have many of the same fabrics :-) What a special friend you are to be so kind to make this for Chelsa.
Plan on at least one block from me. I used daughter's blanket in lieu of a tissue.
I am going to try! I really want to♥ I need to go purchase some neutrals, believe it or not!
I'd love to help. Let me see what I can do. I'll be at the Quilt Festival this weekend, so I'm sure I can pad my stash with some neutral prints (which I needed anyways!). Chelsa will be in my thoughts and prayers.
This is a such a sweet idea, I've gone through this journey with a dear friend several years ago. I'd love to contribute. It looks like I'll be making a block tonight.
I am in for 2!
Count me in and praying for Chelsea!
Her story is heartbreaking, but I can tell she's an incredible woman and a fighter! How quickly are you needing the blocks?
I will be very happy to make some blocks. I 'll start this weekend. You are a dear friend to her. I pray for her this very minute. Thanks for letting us help. xo
Such a beautiful idea for a quilt. I'm sure your friend will be so touched by it.
Of course I will make a block! You are a wonderful friend, Tracey!
What a heartbreaking story! And you are such a great friend. Count on me to make a block!
It's coming together so nicely Tracey - looks great! And I'll make you a block too - what color do you need most?
Hi! I am a quite new follower. Yesterday I read your post, and this morning I sewed two blocks for you, one yellow and one light blue/aqua. I hope you´ll like them.
Let me know your address and I´ll send them off as soon as I can.
It was a very fun block to sew!
Hi Tracey, I'd love to send you a block or two. Let me know what colors your are most in need of and I'll get right on to it.
what a wonderful thing you are doing for your friend. http://www.sweetshoppedesigns.com/sweetshoppe/product.php?productid=23705&cat=0&page=1
I will try to make a block - just need to see if I can dig up any low volume neutrals from my stash! It is a wonderful thing you are doing. Last year I made two quilts out of my friends clothing for her two sons after she passed away, but I would have rather made her a quilt to sew in my blessings for her, as you are doing.
Hi, I am so sorry about your friend and wondered if you could please let me know what the chart is called for this quilt please? I can see what you've done but I really like to have the patterns if at all possible.
what a lovely gesture!
these are gorgeous! i love your use of the text prints too!
She will be thrilled with this quilt. (lots of the pictures didn't show up...but your sweet heart did).
I'll be sending you a couple.
I am in!!!!!
Love how these look together, and what a great response you've had! :)
I hope a bit of light texty prints and some peach, yellow, orange and teal blocks will work. Count me in for 4. ♥
I'll make one at retreat this weekend! It's lovely that you are doing this for your friend Tracey.
it is still on my mind to make a block for your quilt...
Do you still need blocks? I'd love to make one or two for you.
I'll have one for you by the end of the day, but your email link doesn't work for me. Could you email me at sfredett[at]gmail.com?
Do you still need blocks for this quilt? I would love to make a couple for you..
I realize I am coming to the party here late but would love to send some blocks if you still need some. Please let me know either way. You are a wonderful friend and she is truely blessed to have you in her life!
with your permission, i would like to make this block for my bee group. I would be posting your blog url for them to go to. Susan
A wonderful idea. We quilters are always right there when someone needs a blanket of love.
I just received a link to this post, way after the event, and have been touched by the story you tell. I find this a delightful block and have pinned it to my public Pinterest board "patchwork blocks". I hope you don't mind; if so I will move it onto a private board - only visible to me.
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