I'm thinking of hosting a quilt along
Of chubby stars and Irish chain.
Inspired by these.

And this.

And this (from APQ's October edition).
Here was my quick partial sketch up. (The corner stones of the blocks and sashing pieces would make the Irish chain -- which I didn't color in yet because it was quite small)
This is the fabric I'll be using (mostly Nicey Jane, a little Amy Butler, some Anna Maria Little Folks, and a touch of a couple others).
It'd be a massive undertaking for me because I want to make it King-sized (y'all can pick what size you want to do). But -- since the Jacobsen family is planning on adding to its numbers fairly soon... I think I better knock this out before morning sickness knocks me out.
Saying I LOVE that fabric, is such an understatement. And I LOVE chubby stars. And I LOVE Irish chains.
I'm gonna go for it.
What do you all think?
I'll be back soon with giveaway results and fabric requirements. :) (You'll need focal prints, contrast pieces, and background pieces)
My husband is going to love me to death if I actually make a quilt for our bed. Maybe it will inspire me to actually re-do our whole room (that is in desperate need of it)
(the chubby stars quilt pictured above can be found in this book
Hey!! How was your trip?
Love that fabric! How much do you need for the quilt along?
Adding to the numbers?? Really?? You were just saying how one keeps you busy ;)
I would totally love to do the quilt along though!
Love those chubby stars. The quilt along sounds like fun ... count me in!
would love to do this quilt along...Now to decide on what fabric to use. hmmm....decisions decisions. ;)
I am seriously tempted Tracey ! Congratulations, and I think that you will have a good age gap there too. I hope the morning sickness does not get to bad :)
How can I possibly resist? A quilt along sounds wonderful! Those chubby stars are just too cute!
Oh, morning sickness- what a horrible thing it Maybe this time you'll get lucky and it will pass you by?
I'll be eager to see more details when you are ready to post them!
I think I am in too!
I am so in. I have loved the chubby stars since the fist time I saw them on your blog. I am going to have to seriously start thinking about what size to make it (we don't currently own a King but hope to in the future so that is always an option) and what fabrics to use. I am so excited!
Great idea. I would love to join you but with a much smaller version.
Woo hoo! Congrats on the new baby. I hope the morning sickness isn't too bad. Little Steiger will be so happy to have a playmate!
I'd love to do the chubby stars quiltalong. Sounds awesome.
Ok, So are you preggers or about to start trying?
Either way! Congrats mate! Awesome news!!!!
This looks like it will be an awesome quilt along. I wanna say yes, I'll be there sewing along too but somehow everytime I say that, I end up majorly behind!!!
I'll try...
Congratulations!! I love the chubby stars.
LOVE your fabric!! OHHHH must find this pattern in 'that' book!! I'll check it out and get back to you!! ;o)
Congrats on the soon-to-be new addition. Good idea to get started now because if you're anything like me when you're preggers, you don't want to do anything but lay in bed all day. =)
I am definitely up for another quilt along! Count me in!!! I love this pattern.....
Oh I just crossed my heart and hoped to die and promised my hubby I wouldn't buy any more fabric until I start and finish three projects in my WIP project pile. Gaaa! Why do I have the worst timing ever! (Although, he does kind of have a good point...)
LOVE the fabrics Tracey! It's going to be beautiful!
And we totally need to talk soon so I can hear about your baby plans :P.
Aaron is starting preschool next week! I'm going to have mornings to myself!!!!.... well, until January :P. Maybe we can meet in Redding sometime...BEFORE your morning sickness :)... love ya, Esther
I can't wait until Material Obsession 2 comes out! I love that quilt. Count me in!
Chubby stars are so sweet. Congrats on adding to the family! Can't commit to a quilt-along, but I look forward to seeing your progress.
I just looked at the last 10 or 15 posts trying to find out if I missed your "announcement"! Little man gets to be big bro? That is so awesome! Perfect age gap too!
I would LOVE to start a new quilt along! I'm almost caught up with another one I'm working on and had your chubby stars tutorial bookmarked to start next so this would be perfect!
Fun! Well, not the morning sickness part. ;) But I do wish I could jump in...notsomuch just now.
Tracey, I have given you a Versatile Blogger Award! Check it out here: http://confessionsofafabricaddict.blogspot.com/2010/08/oh-look-bunny.html
Hey! Congratulations!!!! You sort of snuck that in there...have you already told us that you were expecting and I missed it?? Last I heard you were doing Jacquie and Katie's challenge ....well, I guess you can put that on hold!!! I'm so happy for you and hope you can just avoid all that yucky barfing part.
The chubby-chain will be amazing! I will enjoy watching that come together and promise to cheer from the sidelines.
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