Tuesday, December 29, 2009
WIP Wednesday - All I got for Christmas.

Friday, December 25, 2009
Mini-quilt giveaway!

(Bonus points may be given if you help me in my quest to lose the last 10 Steiger pounds before his first birthday on 4.10.10)
First... Christmas

I must say, this was my favorite Christmas ever... Even though we drove with a tired, screaming baby from Redding, and I didn't even have all of Steiger's gifts wrapped (bad mommy), there is just something utterly delightful about having an 8 month old and his wonderful daddy to share the season with. I mean really, does it get much better than these 2?
(Steiger was quite excited about his book from Grandma Shirley.)
We were back home this morning (we actually came home last night).
We had to have a family picture; the timer feature always seems to turn out pretty good, no? I believe Steiger's expression is entirely appropriate here.
We spent this afternoon at my mom's.
Seeing Steiger with Cousin Cooper almost makes me want another one soon; Steiger LOVES kiddos.
As always, Grandma Cathy's house was gorgeous, and the food was tremendous. I love being at her house at Christmastime.
Cooper has decided that Grandpa is his big buddy now. And Steiger was a sweetheart despite skipping his afternoon nap.
Steiger did not fight sleep at all tonight. All I could think, as I held him there is what a joy he is to know. Each year, on Christmas Eve, the Christmas story is read from Luke 2. My favorite verse, is towards the end of the chapter... Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.
I think I could relate to her a little bit this Christmas. Peace on earth, good will toward men... indeed.
Monday, December 21, 2009

Here are my Christmasy quilts. They happen to be gifts for the in-laws.
It's jolly and whimsical. And intended for an amazing scrap-booker, so I hope she likes it.
Merry Christmas.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
WIP Wednesday (but on Thursday)...

I finished the binding on my mom's (wreckuva) quilt. There are some advantages to presbyopia, as she doesn't really notice the minty thread. I have 2 more smallish ones to bind before Dec. 23.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Dear Santa...

The Fat Quarter Shop (one of the places that I just can't stay away from), asked me to make my Christmas list. Here's a little part of it; if I put my whole list, I think it would grow to the obscene. :)
Fat quarter packs from the fatquartershop...
or this one:
or, really, really, this one (it's my favorite, but a bit pricey) :-/
This roll-up would also come in handy, as I make some wonky log-cabin blocks.
I promise I've been good this year! And really, would this face lie?
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
WIP Wednesday - berry binding and Steiger's quilt

This is going to be a brief update, because I want to get back to sewing while Steiger is sleeping! Here's my next project... which I think will be for me. It's called "Cameos," and while a little more challenging than straight piecing, will turn out great... I hope.
Here are a few of the boy though... he loves Cheerios (and so does the dog). Any other good high chair foods? It's been exciting now that Jay set it up. :)
Oh, and all I want for Christmas is fabric. Well, actually I want a long-arm machine with quilting frame so I can do my own quilting, but I think that's a bit much to ask. Thank you for reading!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
The quilt that almost was, and the quilt that almost wasn't

I took it to the quilters a couple weeks ago, so excited for when I could give it to her. My heart sank when I picked it up, and immediately saw minty/limey green thread all over the surface. I felt sick.
The quilt still looks beautiful from a distance. The border is directional. To all you students out there -- there ARE times you actually do use math in real life. I also used it to make the setting triangles, because it is a rather complicated equation to get them right (add, divide, and cut).
Now for the part that makes me sick still when I look at it. You can see the color is just all *wrong.* When I called the quilter, her explanation was that "You're not going to match all the colors in your quilt," (thank you Capt. Obvious... but the dominant color would be nice... and FYI, that thread matches NO colors), and "it was the green we had." (I would have happily bought thread and taken it to her, had I known). Ugh. You can kind of see it in these pictures.
My solution to this is to take my mom to the quilters, and she can pick out some fabric she likes... and I will make her another.
Now for the quilt that almost wasn't...
My grandma Dine (Dad's mom) has been on my quilting list (longer than time I have to get done). I look for fabric for her, and had a couple things in mind. This November, she went in to have a heart stent. That turned in to a double-bypass. That turned in to a 5-way bypass. That turned in to opening her back up. That turned in to "she might not make it through the night." That turned in to a stay in ICU. Then the regular hospital wing. Then a rehab hospital. She's scheduled to come home on Tuesday. And this will be waiting for her. (If we don't take it to her today).
The back:
It's from a line called "Aster Manor." I had a small fat-quarter bundle, and made this quilt very quickly. In faith. She was in very critical condition, and I prayed and quilted. It might sound cheesy, but with each piece going together, I prayed for her. I'm grateful I have the chance to give this to her.
Here she and Steiger's Great-Grandpa Jim are with Steiger a couple months ago.
And now for a few of Steiger from last night and a couple days ago:
He gives "kisses" now too...
Daddy set up his high chair last night! (while Steiger played in the box)
Until next time... we're outta here! :)