It was one of my goals, and hooray -- the pattern is ready!
It's available for instant download here...
It's a happy and fun little quilt to piece. The pieces go together like a little puzzle, and many of the sections are easy to strip or chain piece. I need to get some new pictures of it, but here it was before I added borders. (I used Vintage Modern by Bonnie & Camille for moda fabrics, with Bella Porcelain and Scarlet).
I have a baby size almost done too using some of these fabrics: (also chose these as a nod to the inspiration)
The pattern is jelly roll or layer cake friendly, and includes full color diagrams and illustrations (some of them made by the fabulous Ali at asquaredw), with directions for the full size or baby size. Fabric requirements are on the back cover... OK, here's a picture of the back cover.
You can see the pattern done up in Marmalade by Bonnie & Camille as well as AppleJack by Tim & Beck (both for moda fabrics) there at the top of the back cover (that is the baby size).
If you want to try to win a copy, leave a comment about your favorite kind of candy... wait... that's a bad idea if I'm trying to not eat sugar... leave a comment about a favorite summertime bit of sentiment or nostalgia! :)
I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to brave quilting this myself, or send it somewhere... maybe you could give me advice too. Either way -- I am excited to show you pictures of it all done! This one will be going in to Scarlet's hope chest I'm sure. :)
What a cute pattern!!
This is one pattern I've been waiting patiently for :) and can't wait to make a Christmas quilt with some Kate Spain fabric.
Adorable pattern, it would make an awesome baby quilt. My favorite summer memory is camping with my family every Labor Day weekend.
Congrats on such a great pattern Tracey! I love the use of contrast in it
i love the pattern!
my favourite summer memory is visiting my grandmother in jamaica when i was younger. there's no summer that can compare to one where you get to swim on a beach that is both fresh and salt water!
i love the pattern!
my favourite summer memory is visiting my grandmother in jamaica when i was younger. there's no summer that can compare to one where you get to swim on a beach that is both fresh and salt water!
oops i forgot my email, please delete that last comment!
supersharmie at gmail dot com
Yay, congrats on getting it done :o)
Last summer we drove to Disneyland, and that was very memorable. Thanks for the chance, and congrats on another beautiful design Tracey!
this is a really stand out pattern! so nice!
i love eating homemade carmel *wink wink* at the local fairs in the summer time.
Beautiful pattern! It would be great for a quilt along! Congrats!
Beautiful pattern!
My all-time favorite candy is red licorice. I could eat a 5# Costco tub by myself in a week or less!! Needless to say, I very rarely buy it and only buy it a pound or less at a time.
The quilt looks great! I will always remember, from now on, July 14th as the day my daughter got married. Gorgeous wedding, gorgeous bride and groom. God is so good!
Another gorgeous pattern! Love this!
For us Aussies, summer is Christmas time - always nice to have family time! :)
Fun pattern!
Summertime nostalgia: Strolling down the street in Smalltown, USA and stopping to visit with folks cooling themselves on their front porches after supper. (Does that happen anywhere anymore?)
Congrads! What a wonderful pattern. The best thing about being a kid in summertime has to be the long days so you can stay out playing super late.
What great detailed quilt patterns! No wonder you are so busy over there!
Beautiful job, Tracey! I love your new pattern.
We're having a great summer--I love the slower pace and the afternoons at the pool. And, at the risk of sounding vain, I really like being tan. :)
This is so great, love this pattern! One of my favorite memories is from when I was a little girl. We always had armenian cucumbers growing in our garden and they were my favorite. I'd pick 2 or 3 a day, wash them off in the hose and climb my favorite tree and eat them. It wasn't until this year that I told my mom why our aremenian cucumbers plants never seemed to have any cucumbers on them. HA!
Terrific pattern! When I was a kid we always went for a one week vacation to the Jersey shore. I remember getting ready for vacation and having those excitement butterflies in my tummy the entire week before we left. I cherish those wonderful memories!!
Great pattern!
Childhood memories of the local funfair and hog roast each summer - the noise of the rides and the smell of the candy floss!
Seriously wish I had time to try this out in solids. Hopefully soon!
My favorite summertime memories was afternoons spent at the pool with friends.
Favorite summertime memories are lazy summer days spent at the lake, swimming, laughing and just hanging out. Love this pattern!
Favorite summertime memories are lazy summer days spent at the lake, swimming, laughing and just hanging out. Love this pattern!
Another lovely pattern! One of my summertime memories is to walk along the beach and watch the sunset over the mountains.
I love this pattern and I have a grandnephew coming in November and I love your choice of fabrics. Going to the beach is my favourite summer memory.
Yay! I have been anxiously awaiting this pattern ever since I saw your quilt top. My favorite thing about summer is lemonade!
My favourite summertime memory is of biking to the library and sitting there for hours reading. Also my favourite candy is licorice. Yum!
This pattern is so beautiful and striking Tracey! Congratulations!
Super cute pattern!
I remember waking up to my mom watering the lawn and us running outside in the sprinklers. Was so much fun!
What a great pattern. The blocks look great, the way you plant them in the quilt.
Favorite Christmas memory: our children's sparkling eyes when they still believed in Santa and saw the presents under the tree.
This is such a great pattern!
When I was eight we were flying into Philadelphia on the 4th of July. As we flew over the city, we could see the fireworks display out the plane window. So cool Seeing it from above!
This is a really lovely pattern!
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