Thursday, December 2, 2010

you see...the thing is...

...I'm making gifts.

So I don't have a lot to show you.

But I have a problem bigger than that.

New machine + other sewing obligations = major itch to start something new.

BUT, having Christmas gifts, like this one below to sew, aren't my only hindrances.

Christmas gift WIP

I also decided this past weekend that I would reorganize all my fabric and sewing materials.

Here's what it was:

the before organizing

And then those big totes were all tucked away in to the closet... making them hard to get to.

the after (tucked in the closet)

But today -- that didn't hinder me.
I managed to lug them out, crawl around them, and take them "si-side" while Steiger ran around in the mud that is our back yard.  (thankfully, only one small piece of fabric fell prey to his little muddy fingers)

Along with my own quilt along quilt, I want to get started on Cara's Urban Lattice Quilt Along quilt.

I'm going to be making the "manly" size for my man... and I'd like it to coordinate a bit with my our chubby stars.

These are my solids...I'm actually going to mix my neutrals I think (like this, or this, or this)... I hope it works well!

the solids for my Urban Lattice quilt along

And these are my prints.

the prints for Urban Lattice Quilt along

Kona Charcoal will be my contrast lattice.

Also, since we're in the "see what happens" days, and yet Jay doesn't want to find out the gender of our next babe early, and I'm determined to give him his way this time, and yet if Steiger was any indicator, I can expect to feel pretty crummy and not like sewing for a few weeks, I'd love to get started on my "if it's a girl" quilt.

In pink and purple.  ♥

pink and purple

True story -- c. 1986...

Mom and daughter (me) walking through mall.
Enter punk rock kids with screamin' mohawks and hair in all kinds of technicolor

Mom: "Tracey, you wouldn't do that to me would you?"
me: "No Mama; I'd make mine pink and purple."

I've decided that any possible daughter we might make needs to have a quilt made with pink and purple.

pink and purple


  1. I hate it when I'm pulled so many ways - contract work, organization needs, gifts, and all those new quilts just dying to be made!!! But somehow it all seems to get done. And I love your pinks and purples for your "if it's a girl" quilt!!

  2. Okay, I was totally waiting for the organized fabric photo! I need some inspiration to get my own sewing room in order. Man, I can't even remember half the fabric I have in there.

    LOVE your pulls for both the manly quilt and the possible baby girl quilt. I need to check out that lattice quilt along now....

    I hope your fabric + new machine = fun new project soon!

  3. I have to organize my fabrics but I keep saying NOT NOW! It will be a huge undertaking and I just can't manage it right now. Maybe in late February. Maybe.

  4. Beautiful fabrics!! I am looking forward to see which pattern you are going to use!

  5. Waiting to see your 'pink & purple' quilt.

  6. The fabrics for Urban Lattice will make a fantastic manly quilt! Congratulations on your next baby (we have a grand niece that was due 1-Dec and hasn't given a hint of arriving) and that beautiful sewing machine. Best wishes.

  7. Loving the pink and purple! I bet there's a little girl in your future who will love it too! : )

  8. Holy massive cow! You have a lot going on!!

  9. I'm really tempted by the Urban Lattice Quilt Along...maybe after Christmas.

  10. I was one of the girls with pink and purple hair! Nothing like being completely buried in "have-tos" to make you NEED to work on a "want-to." Instead of working on bee blocks, I'm playing with the pretty 12 days panel. :)

  11. Okay, so wait a minute--- by "see what happens", does that mean see what happens as in when you will get pregnant, or "see what happens" as in you ARE pregnant and waiting to see how the pregnancy plays out? Did I miss an announcement?

  12. We will move soon & I am glad that I will be forced to re-organise my studio in the next home! Always fun to peek into another studio & fabric collection

  13. Can I come live in that closet? Awesome, see you soon. I'll bring cookies. :o)

  14. ha ha! I was SOOO thinking what Jorie said! Do I spy grunge by basic grey in that "christmas" photo?? Also - GREAT fabric pulls for your "manly" quilt...


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