Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Little Kisses pillow (and coupon code!)

Little Kisses pillow

I've got this little pillow in Fat Quarterly's new issue: Modern Traditional.

It went to the lovely Crystal, as part of a swap we arranged.

You saw me working on it back here:


For the design, I re-sized my French Kisses pattern to make a good pillow size.  And though I named it "Little Kisses," that is only a relative term.  The pillow actually fits a 24" pillow form!  But we like big pillows around here, and Crystal said they would too.

Crystal was part of a small group who managed to collect a charm square of every single one of Anna Maria Horner's quilting cottons, and she asked for a pillow to go with that epic quilt she has planned.  Anna's fabrics from all her collections play so well together.

And look pretty on the couch too.

Little Kisses pillow

In a little over 2 weeks, I'm going to Portland for Spring Market, and I'm having a pattern sale to earn some spending money!

20% off everything, including templates, in my little pattern shop through May 15.  Use code "SpringMarket" for the discount!

Little Kisses

Thursday, April 25, 2013

time to bind!

These two quilts came back in the mail from Lindsay at EileenQuilts today!

I'm hoping to get a date with some good TV this weekend. ♥

Scrappy Sprouts.
quilted scrappy sprouts

and Penny Candy.
quilted penny candy

It's really too bad I'm such a terribly slow binding stitcher, and only have one episode of Once Upon a Time to catch up on...

Monday, April 22, 2013

Union Jack quilt for Ty (finished quilt and free block pattern)

I got the quilt for this little guy done last week, and mailed it Wednesday morning.  It arrived Saturday, just in time for his birthday on Sunday!  *phew!*

Union Jack quilt

Previous posts on this quilt here, and here.
Tutorial for similar quilt here (quilt size is different).
Free Union Jack block pattern in my Craftsy shop here.

This was a custom order for a little guy who is just a few days younger than Steiger.  His mama is British, and wanted a Union Jack theme.  We picked out some fabrics with an Anglophilic flair, and she said she wanted his name, and that flag in there.

I could not find a pattern I liked, so I made one.  I think it really looks great in there too!

Union Jack quilt

I re-sized my Bricks in Bloom quilt so it was a nice twin size, this was (64" x 88").

Rachel posted this picture of the quilt on the bed (by the way - I didn't make the sham), and I was so glad it fit so well!

Union Jack quilt

She says he loved it too. ♥

I free motioned the quilt all over, except in the flag part.

Union Jack quilt

For the backing, it's mostly a cute plaid print. 

Union Jack quilt

Hooray for another quilt finished!

Union Jack quilt


My friend Lindsey just emailed me this picture!  I LOVE the fabrics she used!  (and am happy that the pattern works!) ;)

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

my Steiger is four.

Steiger four

Today my little man turned four.

Last night, while Daddy tucked him in, he was asking "Will I feel different when I'm 4?"

Steiger, this is a little about you:

I bought you a wii game today.  It is your second one.  Your other one is Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga
   This is LEGO Star Wars III The Clone Wars You danced around for five minutes while we loaded the game.  You're jabbering on and on about "you know how I play the wii?  It's Star Wars Clone wars!  It's Clone Wars!  You got me a new wii game!  I haven't had a new wii game in all my life!  I know Star Wars Clone Wars."

You don't hold back your excitement.

Yesterday, Scarlet was whining at me and pulling on my legs while I was getting breakfast ready.  In not my nicest voice, I said, "Stop whining at me!  I can't help you when you're whining at me!"   You were in the living room, walked over to Scarlet, and gave her a big hug.  I was instantly softened, and humbled.  Thank you for loving your sister so much.  You have been this way from when she was brand new, and it is a special answered prayer for me to see.

You go through cycles of testing your boundaries and powers of manipulation.  Getting you to "fold" and put away your clothes the other day was a prime example of that.  You worked to come up with every excuse you could about why you couldn't.  Four time-outs and the collecting of your Bot-Shots and you finally tackled the job.

You're much more enthusiastic about other jobs.  You feed the doggie every night.  You help Scarlet fill up her water.  You and Scarlet empty the silverware (she hands you the items; you put them in the right spot).  You like to use the squirter while washing dishes.  You love helping in the garden.

You give Scarlet, Mom, and Dad lots of hugs during the day.

You love to be tickled and thrown around by Dad.

You like getting Scarlet to say things after you.

When you dance, you shake your booty like a Latin ballroom dancer.  (You just don't want anyone except your family to see).

You still love to go stay at your Grandma and Grandpa's house.

We recently started reading through the The Jesus Storybook Bible Collector's Edition Every night now you ask to read from your Bible Story book.  After we read, you want to snuggle.

You give your sister a kiss night-night, and you both give the cutest pucker-up face... ♥

You love to play Star Wars outside.  We go to "your hill" (which is a little ditch levee) and get those droids! (because we only shoot droids).  Sometimes we're power rangers.

Words is your love language.  You say things like, "Mommy, you're the best Mommy."  and "I love you Daddy" and "Isn't Scarlet such a little sweetheart?" and "Mommy, thank you for making me such good things for dinner" or "Thank you for getting me a birthday present Mommy."  You thrive on praise, and hand it out freely.

We took you bowling a few days ago for your little birthday party.  You told everyone what a great job they were doing.  My heart was beaming.

You wanted to ride in the tractor with Daddy today.  You stayed with him for about 4 hours before I came to get you.  You really looked like his miniature, with your "work shirt" and "jeans" and hat.

You know 23 of your 26 letters - M and W still give you trouble, and I can't remember what else right now; we'll have to check again tomorrow.

You're great with numbers.  I didn't even teach you the digits, and one day you just read them to me.

You want everything quantified... how many minutes, how many bites, how long something takes.  It does make me batty, and I'm hoping it's a stage.

You sleep in your big bed, but occasionally sneak in and lay on the floor next to our bed, or climb up next to Daddy.

We finally got a little table to eat on (since Mommy's sewing set-up takes up where the dining room table used to be), and you love it when we all eat dinner together "as a family."  You actually love it when we do anything all together as a family.

Steiger, I tell you my "secret" every day that you are my favorite little boy in the whole world and I love being your mommy.  You are a JOY. Truly.  Your heart; your love; your spunk.  Four years old, and still, after you're in bed, Daddy and I talk about your antics and quirks and spirit and how blessed we are with you in our lives.  And since you would ask how much I love you - it's bigger than the whole sky.

And you would say you love me the same.

Happy Birthday my sweet boy.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Hello.... Happy Mail.

The mailman was good to me the last couple days. ♥ ♥

I don't know what it is about this line exactly, but I couldn't get it out of my head. It's called Hello Gorgeous (by Iza Pearl for Windham fabrics), and I just liked it.  And had to have some.

Hello... Gorgeous

I had no specific plans with this line, but the colors were so pretty, and I like the flowers.
I thought worst case, they'd make cute clothes for Scarlet.

I haven't quite finished this (it still needs something for the bodice), but I added this little ruffle to a t-shirt for Scarlet (she's tall for her age, and when she bends over, her shirts come up too high, ruffles solve this problem).

little ruffle shirt
Tutorial coming soon!  I already took the pictures!
Still trying to decide what to do with the top.  I was thinking of appliqueing one of the big flowers on there, but am worried of what else it might resemble. :-/  So maybe I'll do something 3-d or something.  It'll probably need a hair bauble too.

I got my Hello Gorgeous from Sprightly Fabrics (coupon code 'Welcome' for their new dot com site!) and Beth at Stash Modern Fabric.  

While I was at it, I added a few of these Art Gallery blenders (also from Sprightly Fabrics).  

great blenders

I got one more piece of happy mail today.

These are some promotional copies I got from the Editor of this magazine.  
They've decided to give me a go as an assistant pattern editor.  (!!!!!) 

I've got started on my first couple patterns, and it makes me feel smart and a little slow at the same time.  But I usually end up feeling smart by the end so I think that's good.  I'm really excited.  And SO grateful!  And still pretty much in awe that I have an official "job" in something quilting related!  

And no, I still can't believe it.  :)  I just hope I can do them proud.  (and P.S.  -- even though a lot of the patterns in here might be done in different fabric choices than I customarily make, there are some awesome designs!  And it's really a great deal for a lot of patterns.  The paper is shiny too if you feel like checking it out.  They also give you access to all their past digital copies when you're a member, which is pretty cool!). ;)

I'm going to leave you with an excerpt from the new editor, Michele Duffy (some of you might know her from here) that makes me really excited to be a part of this magazine.  After she gave some great analogies about people like Renoir, Picasso, and Klee and their styles, she summarized with this:  "We are a textile art community and, as such, have the choice to honor, respect, support, and encourage one another, even when we don't hold the same opinion or style... In the end, we are all quilters, we are all artists, and we all create from a place within ourselves..."

I just really like that.  
(and I hope it was OK I put it here Michele!  I'll ask next time, but you're 3 hours ahead of me, and hopefully not still at the office!)

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Easter sewing

Just Three is going through this week -- link up your goals for the month! ♥
Around 10 p.m. Friday night, I decided Scarlet needed a Mommy-made Easter dress.

Around 10 p.m. Saturday night, I decided Steiger and Scarlet needed Mommy-made Easter baskets.

For the dress, I used the little Sugarplum top from SeeKateSew,

Sugarplum Easter dress

and for the Easter baskets, I used Nova's Nesting fabric bowls.

Easter baskets


Dress specs:
Fabric - the sweetest, prettiest, most feminine pastel goodness double-gauze from Nani Iro's little letter collection.  She will continue to get the sweetsiest things I can find until she is older and can voice her own opinions. 
I made size 2T so she'll be able to wear it longer as a tunic type shirt.  I used a length between the top and dress length.

I'm not a huge fan of the ribbon closures at the neck -- I think I'd prefer a button, and will modify it if I made another.  The design of the dress is really sweet though, and thankfully, it came together quite easily. 

And Scarlet was too precious in it.  I squealed at her most of the day.

Looking out the window:
little lady

little miss Scarlet

Easter egg hunting (with her coordinating basket!):

little Scarlet
(Daddy still makes her look so small!)

little lady
She loved carrying her basket around. (was very possessive of it in fact)

little dress and basket

little lady banks

I tried to get a picture of her with her brother in front of the Lady Banks roses... this was how it went:
sibling love
(herding cats I tell you)

Steiger (who turns 4 in a week!!!) got a globey-type basket made with Out to Sea's map panel print.



The Nesting bowls pattern made these super simple -- Nova has size options, measurements, and a visual for how to add a handle.  I have mental deficits when it comes to the area of spatial awareness, so I appreciated the clear instructions!  Makes me want to whip up a set for my scraps... one day that is.

I was really proud to give these hand-made touches to my babies' Easter.  Even if it meant I got behind on a couple other obligations... what good is it to have a mama who sews, if she doesn't make things for her own babes after all?

I hope your weekend was blessed...I listened to this song over and over while sewing, made it even sweeter.

When all of a sudden,
I am unaware of these afflictions eclipsed by glory,
And I realise just how beautiful You are,
And how great Your affections are for me...

Monday, April 1, 2013

April - Just Three!

Here's my monthly report and goals!

March's goals:

1) Make a baby quilt.  They're my favorite -- I have many WIPs to finish, or a new one to start.  This little bundle of Les Amis is calling me.

Not quite what I had in mind, but I did manage to whip up a little baby shower gift for my cousin.  And I used Les Amis.  But I finished it at midnight, and didn't get a nice picture... thankfully Steiger held it up for this one. :)

quick baby shower gift

2) Finish the Union Jack quilt for Ty.  

The top is mostly pieced, and I got this great Union Jack focal block made!  (free pattern coming soon)

Union Jack

3) And these three!  These quilts are all going to Lindsay at Eileen Quilts (at some point, you just realize they're not going to get done without a little help -- thank you Lindsay!)  She is donating the quilting for Chelsa's Scrappy Sprouts -- so sweet of her! ♥  I am so looking forward to sitting on the couch and binding these. :)

I got this one back, and am working on the binding still.  But it's GORGEOUS.  So Gorgeous. ♥
Thank you Lindsay!

Sad that this is all I can show of it for now...


For April:

1) Write up a new pattern (actually, finish one that is in the works)

I'm writing a pattern for this pillow cover right now -- it will be in the next Fat Quarterly.  But I want to get another one done too!

pillow top

2) Start my new blog linky series (I'll give you more information soon!), but it's going to be a chance to all blog about the same topic, and you'll have plenty of notice on the topic, and all that... :)

3) Finish an old WIP.  I really want to get these done... but seem to be lacking in time or something...

Thank you for playing along!  Happy April!