Monday, February 25, 2013

a little swap with friends

It has been a week (or so!)

We got hit by the tummy flu.  It was brutal.  First time the kids have had a bad tummy bug, and they got hit hard the poor sweeties. ♥

That, and a bit of a health journey I'm on (hoping to blog more about it soon!), have taken up the majority of my sewing and blogging time.  (I have pickles on my counter fermenting right now).

BUT -- I got a little done.

I have a group of dear friends who got together in Atlanta this past weekend, and though I didn't get to go, they did include me in their gift exchange...

I sewed a little bag. (Pattern is in this book: Fabric-by-Fabric One-Yard Wonders: 101 Sewing Projects Using Cottons, Knits, Voiles, Corduroy, Fleece, Flannel, Home Dec, Oilcloth, Wool, and Beyond)
  I love this echino blue polka dot!  This went to the lovely Angela.  She loves blue, and classy styles.  And I thought the pleats were cute.

my gifts for Angela

And though I screwed up the gussets on the little pouch, I hope it still works!  (I figure she can give it to Caitlyn to use) ;)  That was my prototype, but I didn't have time to make it again sadly!

Kelly sent me a package of a cute, cute bag and little pouch.  They suit me perfectly, and the little posy fat quarters are my favorite color right now.  Thank you friend! ♥

my gifts from Kelly!

Before the next gathering, I need to sell some quilts or something... it just stinks to have bosom friends who are so geographically far away!

The ladies called me while they were opening gifts and included me in the exchange (sweet, huh?).  I can't lie -- I started tearing up partway through.  My heart still aches a little that I was so far away...

Anyway - Hi to all of you!  The kids finally had a little bit more of an appetite yesterday and today (hallelujah!), so we are close to back to normal!  I also got out of the house yesterday for the first time since last Saturday.  Grocery shopping never felt so good.

(I've also listed a few destash items - if you want to take a look).

Thursday, February 7, 2013

my little lady

She is sixteen months old today.
And we spent our morning at the doctor to make sure she didn't have an ear infection.  I was relieved that her two week grumpiness has just been a cold and the fact that she has cut 6 teeth in the last two weeks, with two more swelling up her little gums. (yes... poor baby/poor mama).

BUT -- last month, when she turned 15 months old, I was remembering when I talked about her brother at the same age, so Scarlet baby, this post is for you...

Scarlet and her quilt
Thank you for the quilt Amanda!  We LOVE it!
  • You dance.  You shake your arms, pump your fists in the air, and try to shake your booty.  You (and your brother) both love Gangman Style. :)
  • You snuggle in so cozy when it's nap time and bed time.  It has been mama's favorite time of the day the last couple weeks, and reminds me of what a sweetie you are.  You fell asleep on my chest this morning while I was trying to keep you quiet so Daddy could have a few more minutes of sleep.
  • You go crazy for bananas.  I have to hide them, or you'll see them on the counter and throw a fit if I don't give you one.  Even if you've already had two for the day.  You're trying to say "nana."
  • You are SO in to books lately as well.  You grab them, bring them over, and plop yourself on one of our laps.
  • You suck your thumb and hold a blankie when you're tired.  Your grandma tells me that your mama did the same thing. ;)
  • You do a "boo boo lip" and "shaky face" on command.  
boo boo lip
  • If I shower when you're awake, you like to open, and slam the door.  You crack up when I say "whoa!"
  • Your best word is "uh oh."  You say "mama," "Daddy," and try to say "Elli," and I think you try to say "Steiger."
  • Your hair is so wispy. And blonde.  I'm still surprised by how blonde you are!
  • You love Elli.  She is so good at putting up with you when you "pet" her, or pull her tail, or take over her bed.
Scarlet and her doggie
  • You can be quite animated, and walk around saying "whoa whoa whoa whoa." 

  • You understand A LOT.  I can give you directions, and you follow them (unless you're in one of your diva moods.)  But normally, you love to help.  I often can't keep up with all your helping and trying to figure things out, and I'll find you doing something like this on your own. You've been known to put dirty silverware away, or fill the washing machine with a new load. :)
cute little helper

  • You are a mama's girl.  You still love to be worn, and you scream at anyone who you perceive as coming between us.  Even your Papa.
Mommy's sleepy girlie

  • You're pretty good with a light saber (aka swiffer handle).  Steiger calls you his Padawan.
  • You're tall for your age (97% a couple months ago!).  You did not get this from me.
  • You like to put on your brother's shoes or slippers and wander around the house proudly.
  • You've discovered babies.
Scarlet and her dolly

  • You think burping and tooting is hilarious, and try to imitate the sound. And then laugh.
  • You learned to say "please," this week.
  • You are enthusiastic. And it shows.
belly painting

Scarlet, you make all of us smile.  Every day.  And as Steiger would say, "We love you more than you know."  Your fresh little face, and sassy little steps, and tender little needs, and tenacious little spirit, and joyful little heart sure make me blessed to be your mama. ♥

Monday, February 4, 2013

sprucing up. (and last day of sale)

Reminder: you have a few more days to link up with February's "Just Three" goals!

Bummer about those Niners, huh?  I suppose two huge comebacks for two games in a row was asking a bit much... During the game, I was able to get all my template sets organized to ship, and a new quilt laid out at least, so it wasn't all a loss. :)

And I updated my blog header.

Not a huge change --

This was the old one:

It's also the last day to get all patterns and acrylic template sets on sale (also on Craftsy).  20% off through Monday!  A great big thank you to those who placed an order... I'd like to say I am doing something glamorous with the proceeds, (you know, like buying fabric), but it's being reinvested in to what I hope can be a growing little business one day.  Everything is definitely in the just starting out phase, but a girl can dream!  So thank you!  I really am grateful! ♥

I've also been listing some destash items if you want to check those out!