Tuesday, August 31, 2010

People, we have a button.

Thanks to Elizabeth, we now have a button.
Buttons are great.  Especially for us sewing types. ;)

You can get it from my sidebar or here in these boxes.


http://traceyjayquilts.blogspot.com/search/label/chubby%20stars">http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4095/4909106958_d8a30ba767_t.jpg" />

Thank you again!  
(I even googled how to make a button, but I couldn't figure it out... one day I will need to learn this)
(I have no idea why the spaces on here are so large)

Why I need a design wall

A couple nights ago, I was working on a layout with my new Lily & Will charm pack I won.

I tried this one

Lily and Will Option A

And this one

Lily and Will Option B

And this one

Why I need a design wall

With some of this


And a little of this


He's such a great helper.

I'd like to say he likes fabric as much as his mommy does, but really, I think he just doesn't like the competition for attention.

Monday, August 30, 2010

August's Bee blocks

I had a Bee block making Spree this weekend...

Here's what I got done:

I made Month Three of the Designer Mystery Block of the Month... (I promised to do better this year -- #76)

FQS Designer Mystery BOM 3

I'm making the original set, in 12 Days, and I'm adding in another in Fruitcake.  I was hoping to get the Santa Hats (Month 2) done today, but Steiger has been a bit of a pickle... so we'll see what happens.

These were a little late (for Putting the Bee in Christmas group), but I got Rene's 12 Days Stars done also.

Christmas bee for Rene

Christmas bee for Rene

For the Fresh and Funky Bee, Karen wanted citrus colors, and white in squares, rectangles, or half-square triangles.  I used this Friendship Scrap Block, but had to improvise a little, because I didn't have enough of the orange or the white... so I had to cut in to the yellow, which meant I didn't have enough to give the yellow its own HST... I hope she likes it.  I love those orange flowers.

Fresh and Funky for Karen

Mary asked for Drunk Love blocks for her month in Bee Splendid.

These are actually the first Drunk Love blocks I have made (though I have done some wonky-ish log cabins before)... she sent scraps, and said we could add from our stash.

I added the Modern Meadow to this one.

Drunk Love for Mary

And pretty much everything except the solid yellow to this one.  I just really wanted to do yellow and gray...and didn't realize until afterward that nearly all the fabrics were from my own stash!  (The outer ring is Kona Coal)

Drunk Love for Mary

Occasionally, little bits of Steiger get in pictures when I'm taking them... (like here, here, and here)... so I decided to just let him in...he's pretty cute after all. :)

Drunk Love for Mary


In other really exciting news -- 
It's my turn as "Queen Bee" in our "Putting the Bee in Christmas" group.

The first few blocks have shown up in the pool.  I'm in love.

A cartwheel by Kelly.

Block 1 for Tracey

And a tree by Karrie.

Tracey's Ginormous tree bee block

And another cartwheel by Cherie.


And a couple more trees were added late last night...

This one by Amy (the HST Queen)

Putting the bee in Christmas-August

And Rene with hexies (I adore the "star" on top)

Tracey's Block--Putting the BEE in Christmas

You know, I'm not going to have much to do with actually making the quilt blocks on this one -- but I'm so excited for it.  It's going to be the greatest Christmas quilt ever, I'm pretty sure. :)

All right -- back to four-patch pieces for me!

Friday, August 27, 2010

Chubby Stars quilt along -- Step 1 -- four patch chain

Today, we're going to work on making our Chain pieces for our X blocks. (I think I just pulled out my teacher voice... yikes)

First, you will need to refer to this chart, to figure out how many four patch chain pieces you need.

Chubby Star Quilt Along Information

Cal King
70” x 78”
62”  x  86”
86” x 94”
102” square
98” x 108”
Block layout
7 x 8
6 x 9
9 x 10
11 x 11
9 x 11
Snowball blocks
Chain blocks

Fabric requirements

Focal fabrics*
1 ⅔ yd.
1 ⅔ yd.
3 yd.
3 ¼ yd.
3 ⅝ yd.
Star points
1 ½ yd.
1 ½ yd.
2 ½ yd.
3 ⅓ yd.
2 ⅔ yd.
2 yd.
2 yd.
3 yd.
4 yd.
3 ¼ yd.
Chain strips***
1 yd.
1 yd.
1 ¼ yd.
1 ⅝ yd.
1 ½ yd.
Inner border
⅜ yd.
⅜ yd.
½ yd.
½ yd.
½ yd.
Outer border
2 yd.
2 yd.
2 ½ yd.
2 ½ yd.
2 ½ yd.
4 ⅞ yd.
5 ¼ yd.
7 ⅞ yd.
9 yd.
6 ½ yd. + 1 yd. stripped in

To figure it out -- take the number of Chain blocks, and multiply it by 8.  Yes, each chain block has eight four-patch units.  *gulp*

So for the crazy one making this in Cal King size me, I will need 50 chain blocks... 50 x 8 = 400 four patch units.  400 Four-patch units = 800 strip-pieced two patch pieces.

I can get 28 two-patch pieces in my WOF strip pieces (14 if you're using fat quarters).  So.... 800/28= 28 and a half...I need to create 29 strip pieces that will be sub-cut in to 1 1/2" two-patch pieces, and then sewed together to create 400 four-patch units.

Did all that make sense?

Let me break it down for you.

  • Throw/twin -- Cut sixteen 1 1/2" x WOF strips in the background fabric, and sixteen 1 1/2" x WOF in your chain strips fabric.  You need 224 four-patch units (your goal for this week)
  • Full/Queen -- Cut twenty-six 1 1/2" x WOF strips in the background and twenty-six 1 1/2" x WOF strips in the chain strips fabric.  Your goal is 360 four-patch units.
  • I already discussed the Cal-King; if you're making a King sized, you're crazier than me, but can probably do your own math.  You need 7,ooo four-patch units.  
Here's how to do it:

  • Cut your 1 1/2" strips (honey-bun friendly!)
  • Sew one chain piece with one background pieces -- right sides together (RST)
chubby stars - strip piecing
  • Press with seams open or towards the dark (I recommend towards the dark)
strip pieces
  • Sub-cut in to 1 1/2" pieces (twenty eight/strip)
  • Nest seams, right sides together, and sew in to four-patch units
four-square blocks

That's your goal for this week!  I've got more work to do to finish mine!

Comment with any questions -- but it helps if your email is linked to your profile, so I can reply directly. :)

If you're making your chubby stars without the chain -- I suggest cutting a 4 1/2" square for the center piece (one for each chain block), four 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles (where you will add the star points), and four 2 1/2" squares (where you will also add star points)  -- this would all be a neutral or background fabric.  --what am I thinking -- scratch that -- just cut four 4 1/2" squares.  *doh*

But the chain is just so darn pretty. 

Chubby stars first nine

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

need to do an "I'm grateful" post


So, most of you know last week was a bit rough...

What I didn't tell you, is that our washing machine also went out, in the middle of doing the camping laundry.  I'm not normally great with laundry anyway (why is fabric so much more fun?), but it's bordering on OOC (out of control) at the moment.

Yesterday, I was intentionally focusing on bits of gratitude... and it was really flowing (I mean seriously -- I was grateful that I could throw away the heel of the bread because it meant we had enough to eat).

This morning, I got in the car to go pick up laundry from my mom, and the Check Engine Light was on... for the third time in six months.  The car is about 1 1/2 years old, with an awesome extended warranty -- that doesn't cover bunnies.

That's right -- I said bunnies.

(We no longer think they're cute)

You see, for reasons I will never understand (it was record breaking heat here yesterday), they like to climb in to the car and chew on the wires that go to the power steering and O2 sensor.  We have already spent $900 on bunnies this year (I actually had to cancel a fabric order after the last time we discovered their dirty work), and I'm feeling pretty sad about the $400 more, on top of the new washing machine (it was already a hand-me-down, and we didn't want to put $$$ in it).

So there you have it.

I need to be grateful again, like I was yesterday...

*deep breath*

I'm grateful for fun people like Krista, who rambles with me about doll quilt woes;
and Natalia, who gets excited for me and even snaps a pic with her cell phone when she sees someone who tried a design of mine;

and then emails me another copy of the tree-skirt her friend made.
(This one Tamara made is hanging in this quilt shop)
(and let's be real here -- I'm grateful there are people out there who like my ideas...not that they're mine 100%; I think everything out there in quilting is just recycled, right?) ;)

and Amy, who I'm hoping will win more than a Go! cutter;
and Kelly, who sends me pretty pieces of linen and cute scraps;
and Erika, who listens to me chat about the fears of mommydom, and even shares some of her own... and...

I'm grateful for pretty Dresden plates, and my new Dresden ruler that can make them even "chubbier" ;)

Quilting Divas Dresden
(For my Quilting Divas group)

I'm grateful that all the cups of clam chowder I ate while here aren't showing on the scale any more.

I'm grateful for my this little darling, who loves to snuggle his bears

loves his bears

and for ice cream on a stick, that can cheer him up when Mommy can't.

ice cream on a stick

And I'm grateful that pickle is sleeping... so I'd better get back to sewing.

And lastly -- I'm grateful that even though we don't have the money for the car and washing machine, I'll be here when he wakes up.

Feel free to make your own grateful list, or add to them in the comments. ;)

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Coloring in.

My friend Jenn, made a much prettier coloring page for you.

chubby stars quilt along banner copy

So for all you chubby star quilt makers/planners -- here you go.

coloring page!


Speaking of coloring in...

I've got a very clever partner, who has some particular tastes.  So I haven't posted photos of my progress from the Doll Quilt Swap 9 in much color yet (let's just say I was getting in touch with my inner 80s child)...

But here you can see what I've been up to.

The plan:

doll quilt bw - the plan

The progress:

bw doll quilt 9 wip

The present state:

dqs9 sneak peek copy

I'm trying to decide on how to quilt the stars... or whether to quilt the stars.  For now I've just started echo quilting in the negative space.  My machine is not good with free-motion, and those little pieces are quite small...  any thoughts?

(And I worked so hard on getting those points just right -- I have to say they are a testament to how my skills are growing.  I used the templates from this magazine.)

Monday, August 23, 2010

Chubby Stars quilt along! Fabric info

chubby stars quilt along banner copy

Our flickr group is here... don't forget to join and post pictures of your progress!

chubby stars sample

  • Sample blocks done.
  • Fabric requirements figured.
  • I'll post Step one of the Quilt-making process Friday (*hint: strip-piecing for the chain blocks; 1 1/2" strips that make four-patch units for those who can't wait)
The plan is to get the top done in nine weeks. (Yikes!)

(I'm 1/11 of the way there)

Chubby stars first nine

Chubby Star Quilt Along Information

Cal King
70” x 78”
62”  x  86”
86” x 94”
102” square
98” x 108”
Block layout
7 x 8
6 x 9
9 x 10
11 x 11
9 x 11
Snowball blocks
Chain blocks

Fabric requirements

Focal fabrics*
1 ⅔ yd.
1 ⅔ yd.
3 yd.
3 ¼ yd.
3 ⅝ yd.
Star points
1 ½ yd.
1 ½ yd.
2 ½ yd.
3 ⅓ yd.
2 ⅔ yd.
2 yd.
2 yd.
3 yd.
4 yd.
3 ¼ yd.
Chain strips***
1 yd.
1 yd.
1 ¼ yd.
1 ⅝ yd.
1 ½ yd.
Inner border
⅜ yd.
⅜ yd.
½ yd.
½ yd.
½ yd.
Outer border
2 yd.
2 yd.
2 ½ yd.
2 ½ yd.
2 ½ yd.
4 ⅞ yd.
5 ¼ yd.
7 ⅞ yd.
9 yd.
6 ½ yd. + 1 yd. stripped in

* Focal fabrics: 8 ½” squares
        -      Layer cake friendly
        -      Can get four 8 ½” squares from one fat quarter or quarter yard

* Background: Will be cut in to 2 ½” strips; can use bella solids jelly roll (King size will need 1 ½ jelly rolls); also need 1 ½” strips (for chain blocks)

*** Chain strips will be cut in to 1 ½” strips; honey-bun friendly

A few notes on fabric choices:
  • Focal fabrics – can have large scale prints; need to contrast star points; mine are mostly Nicey Jane
quilt planning with Jane
  • Contrast star points – I’m using Kona Stone (and I might plan in a few accent color stars); using all one color will unify and simplify your star points; choose a good contrast solid or blender print
  • Background – I’m using Moda Bella snow (because I already had 3 yards of it on hand); I recommend a solid or neutral – you don’t want anything busy
  • Chain strips – will be 1 ½” strips; honey-bun friendly à I’m using blender pieces from Nicey Jane and other coordinating lines
Fabric info file here.

In this diagram (twin size) you can see how the snowball and Chain blocks interact.

chubby star quilt along

Here is a blank diagram you can print off and color

coloring page!

I don't know how to do fancy-schmancy html coding.  But if you take the space next to the first < out, you can add this button to your blog. :)

chubby stars quilt along banner copy

< a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/8384538@N03/4909106958/" title="chubby stars quilt along banner copy by traceyjay, on Flickr">chubby stars quilt along banner copy

Here it is littler:
chubby stars quilt along banner copy

< a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/8384538@N03/4909106958/" title="chubby stars quilt along banner copy by traceyjay, on Flickr">chubby stars quilt along banner copy

(Again -- take the space out between the first < and 'a' -- and I hope it works -- you can also go here and borrow the html in the 'share this' space)

This quilt design was inspired by an amalgamation of:

Inspiration from Material Obsession  

Chubby stars first nine

P.S.  Thanks for all the love and support here.