Friday, August 27, 2010

Chubby Stars quilt along -- Step 1 -- four patch chain

Today, we're going to work on making our Chain pieces for our X blocks. (I think I just pulled out my teacher voice... yikes)

First, you will need to refer to this chart, to figure out how many four patch chain pieces you need.

Chubby Star Quilt Along Information

Cal King
70” x 78”
62”  x  86”
86” x 94”
102” square
98” x 108”
Block layout
7 x 8
6 x 9
9 x 10
11 x 11
9 x 11
Snowball blocks
Chain blocks

Fabric requirements

Focal fabrics*
1 ⅔ yd.
1 ⅔ yd.
3 yd.
3 ¼ yd.
3 ⅝ yd.
Star points
1 ½ yd.
1 ½ yd.
2 ½ yd.
3 ⅓ yd.
2 ⅔ yd.
2 yd.
2 yd.
3 yd.
4 yd.
3 ¼ yd.
Chain strips***
1 yd.
1 yd.
1 ¼ yd.
1 ⅝ yd.
1 ½ yd.
Inner border
⅜ yd.
⅜ yd.
½ yd.
½ yd.
½ yd.
Outer border
2 yd.
2 yd.
2 ½ yd.
2 ½ yd.
2 ½ yd.
4 ⅞ yd.
5 ¼ yd.
7 ⅞ yd.
9 yd.
6 ½ yd. + 1 yd. stripped in

To figure it out -- take the number of Chain blocks, and multiply it by 8.  Yes, each chain block has eight four-patch units.  *gulp*

So for the crazy one making this in Cal King size me, I will need 50 chain blocks... 50 x 8 = 400 four patch units.  400 Four-patch units = 800 strip-pieced two patch pieces.

I can get 28 two-patch pieces in my WOF strip pieces (14 if you're using fat quarters).  So.... 800/28= 28 and a half...I need to create 29 strip pieces that will be sub-cut in to 1 1/2" two-patch pieces, and then sewed together to create 400 four-patch units.

Did all that make sense?

Let me break it down for you.

  • Throw/twin -- Cut sixteen 1 1/2" x WOF strips in the background fabric, and sixteen 1 1/2" x WOF in your chain strips fabric.  You need 224 four-patch units (your goal for this week)
  • Full/Queen -- Cut twenty-six 1 1/2" x WOF strips in the background and twenty-six 1 1/2" x WOF strips in the chain strips fabric.  Your goal is 360 four-patch units.
  • I already discussed the Cal-King; if you're making a King sized, you're crazier than me, but can probably do your own math.  You need 7,ooo four-patch units.  
Here's how to do it:

  • Cut your 1 1/2" strips (honey-bun friendly!)
  • Sew one chain piece with one background pieces -- right sides together (RST)
chubby stars - strip piecing
  • Press with seams open or towards the dark (I recommend towards the dark)
strip pieces
  • Sub-cut in to 1 1/2" pieces (twenty eight/strip)
  • Nest seams, right sides together, and sew in to four-patch units
four-square blocks

That's your goal for this week!  I've got more work to do to finish mine!

Comment with any questions -- but it helps if your email is linked to your profile, so I can reply directly. :)

If you're making your chubby stars without the chain -- I suggest cutting a 4 1/2" square for the center piece (one for each chain block), four 2 1/2" x 4 1/2" rectangles (where you will add the star points), and four 2 1/2" squares (where you will also add star points)  -- this would all be a neutral or background fabric.  --what am I thinking -- scratch that -- just cut four 4 1/2" squares.  *doh*

But the chain is just so darn pretty. 

Chubby stars first nine


  1. Thanks for doing the math for us! I got a little nervous there for a second :)

    I'm going with the Flower Sugar. What do you think about red for the star points? I think it might give it a look similar to the Material Obsessions quilt you showed.

  2. Oh, I am so excited!! Iv'e picked out my material and am ready to get sewing. I just have one other project to finish and them I am on to chubby stars.

  3. This looks great. I am a just beginning, is this quilt along easy or advanced? So far I think I understand the chain direction.

  4. Oy! I think I'll need to work on this in the evenings when the kids sleep. I've had NO sewing time lately.

    Fabrics are all picked out! I shopped for more than I originally bought because I wanted more variety. I just started a blog and posted a picture of the fabrics there. I tried to post to your flickr but it didn't give me the option to join and post. :(

    Anyway, my fabrics are mostly from the 12 days of Christmas line. 1 fabric isn't from that line but I thought it would be perfect for the binding. The woman at the store told me that she likes to put a seasonal quilt on the back of another quilt so now I'm debating doing that. Did I already say oy? :P

  5. Speaking of Rockstars.... not only are you a crafty rockstar, but you are mathy too :o)

  6. yeah! I got everything together this week and am all set and ready to go. I hope to post some pictures of my fabric later and may need input on star point color... I have three options and am having a tough time deciding.

    Thanks again for sharing this with us!

  7. Ooh that is so beautiful! I love the design and the fabrics you chose. Great job!!!

  8. I so wish I could do this quilt-a-long! My plate is overflowing at the moment...looks so fun!

  9. oh, I am loving this quilt! Especially love the fabric combination!

  10. This looks like fun! I need another project like I need another hole in my head - but what the heck!


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