Wednesday, January 30, 2013

All stages of WIPs

First up --

All my patterns and templates are on sale for 20% off until Monday in my little pattern shop or on Craftsy.
I also still have a giveaway going for my Cosmic pattern and templates bundle. If you'd like to enter, go here!

Yesterday, Krista at Poppyprint Creates blogged the Cosmic star block she made, and let me borrow her picture.  She used Lipari shot cottons, and different colors, and her results are quite stunning (not to mention her points; I can't tell you how relieved I was that the templates worked for someone other than me). ;)  
photo: Krista at Poppyprint Creates

It's quite a different look than all one print, and so inspiring!

Now for the rest of my WIP report!  I've got one day left this month to finish my "Just Three" goals!

Still though, I find myself going in quite a few directions...

In the almost completed stage, I've got just a few more inches of binding left to stitch down on my "Starcrossed" quilt!

almost done!

I'm piecing a stack of soft and pretty star blocks from Fig Tree's new Avalon line.

starting a new stack

Something new - I've pulled a new stack and started diagramming!  The palette was inspired by this super cute book that Kelly sent me!


Linking to Lee's! :)


  1. oh are you making another star crossed quilt?!

  2. Wow, what a delicious stack of fabric you've got lined up there - so pretty! The drawing on the book cover is killing me - I heard Darcy. hahahaha!

  3. Wow, your new fabrics look like a fun bundle to work with

  4. What a great feeling that must be really to have someone else do the pattern and KNOW that it is right! Good job Tracey:)

    I like that Avalon line star A LOT!

  5. What a beautiful block in the shot cottons! This pattern is awesome.

  6. So many lovelies - your scrappy binding on the star crossed quilt, the Avalon stars (I love that fabric, think I'll have to get some asap) and the fabrics inspired by Little Miss Austen are to die for! The I heart Darcy shirt is awesome :-)

  7. I'm only looking at your book :-) do you know this one too? Cozy Classics: Pride And Prejudice. It's the story in felted figures, so awesome!!!


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