Wednesday, December 19, 2012

WIP Wednesday - O Christmas Tree

Finally getting this bee quilt taken care of!

Christmas bee quilt top

Daddy took the little man to town today in an attempt to Christmas shop for Mommy (which is reason #432 I'm glad we had Scarlet, because let's just say shopping is not his forté, and I can't wait to send her along to "help.") ;)  

While Scarlet slept, Mommy quilted.

And when I spread the quilt out to check my progress (which I'm working on the binding now!), Scarlet practiced her favorite yoga move.

quilting in progress

No lie.  You tell her, "Scarlet, do your downward dog," and she gets to work. :)

Her brother was not going to be outdone by his little sister. ♥

quilting in progress

Oh how I love these two.

Wanna see their faces?

the two of them

I've been listening to a lot of Christmas music to try to lift my spirits, because like so many of you, my heart is still heavy.  

But a merry Christmas week.  And Happy Holidays.  And now a line from my favorite Christmas carol...

"Chains shall he break, for the slave is our brother... and in His name, all oppression shall cease..."

Linking to Lee's.


  1. wow, that quilt is amazing! Really love some of the squares on there.

    Why is it that kids like to play on our stuff? Mine to the same. lol

    Great work!

  2. lol, arent they gorgeous! Loving that quilt too :-)

  3. That Christmas quilt is beautiful and so are your kids!

  4. Very cute! I love all those different types of Christmas blocks!

  5. Beautiful quilt! I whish you feel better.

  6. Lovey quilt - delightful kids! My little gal loves to do her butterfly yoga move - cracks me up!

  7. Love that quilt, just the right mix of rings and trees!

  8. Love the quilt! Merry christmas!

  9. I love the quilt! It's modern, but traditional and just right in my book. My son (now 3) used to do downward dog all the time too! Must feel like a good stretch for them?!

  10. love the blocks. cute kiddos too.

  11. Beautiful quilt, I don't have small children but my cat loves to do things like that on my quilt.
    This last week has made all of our hearts heavy I have two grandsons age 5 and 6 so it hit hard and made me glad I live in Canada.
    Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family. Blessings Sandra

  12. Loooove your quilt! And your kids are just adorable!


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