Sunday, December 19, 2010

almost there.

The Wise Men have almost made it to Bethlehem.



Where they will pick up Baby Jesus and Mary.


(you can see a tiny peek of my tree skirt in the corner of that picture too)

I've still got boxes to trim and wrap, but we are absolutely enjoying this season...


...I've even read the first book I've finished in... a year??? (Can you believe I was an English teacher before?)

And even though this gift quilt is finished, I've got one to quilt and bind (please show up Monday backing fabric!), and another to finish up.

But my niecey (and her parents) are here, and we've got brunch to enjoy later this morning (that I stayed up late preparing.

Overall -- we are having the most wonderful Christmastime.


Even if it is a little crazy.


So Merry Christmas (or Happy Holidays) to all of you.

And Peace and Joy to you.


P.S.  Quilt Hope In will be having its Grand Opening in early January... please stay tuned!  (I have all the funding to sort through, as well as the form that will be filled out when an item is submitted for sale)


  1. I love these pictures of Steiger! He is really in the Christmas spirit!


  2. That is my three boys most FAVORITE nativity set!!!!
    So adorable to see another wee boy enjoy it too!

  3. That it MY FAVORITE christmas item. We have one and we LOVE it!


  4. Have a wonderful Christmas season!

  5. Awwww, I just got a fever! Baby fever! Even though hes not much of baby anymore.
    Also, you didnt tell me if you need help on anything?!?

  6. Love the Fisher Price Nativity. We bought that last year and it's a favorite. My daughter used to call it the "Baby Jesus Barn." I love having one they can plan with. The addition of the John Deer is a nice touch for Steiger!

  7. Oh, Steiger is going to have a great Christmas!

    I'm on book #2 in the Hunger Games series. Loving it.

  8. I love that everyone is getting there in a tractor! Such a great picture!

  9. So cute! Lovin' the John Deere hay ride. :)

  10. Cute pics of Mr. Man!! He's so big and yet he'll never be this small again...
    Did you enjoy Hunger Games?

  11. Merry Christmas! I absolutely loved the Hunger Games books!

  12. Merry Christmas to you and your family, too Tracey!! Love Steiger and his little people nativity.

  13. What a cute little fella!! He just keeps getting more adorable. Love the Nativity Scene, just for y'all country folks!! Merry Christmas;0))

  14. What a cute little boy and I love his tractor pulling everything around. I sure got to find me one of those Fisher Price Nativity sets.


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