Monday, June 14, 2010

For a little guy

I got a commission project, and it showed up on my doorstep today (thank you

I think I'm going to use Julie's Circle Around design... at least for one side.  I'm going to leave the other side a surprise.

It will be twin-size, and I have more fabric than I need, but I (and the mama ordering) wanted scrappy and reversible, (and Hawaiian of course).  (But you know... on second figuring, I don't think I'm going to have too much extra!)

So here I am showing it off to the little recipient's mama (and the rest of you). :)

Not my typical fabric choices (what, Tracey...surfin' monkeys aren't your thing?)... but I think it's going to be so cute!

Now to get to work!


  1. Oh that will be fun! Cute fabrics and I think that circle design will be perfect for them.

  2. Its fun to work with something differnet once in awhile, as long as you like it ... if they had picked out stuff you just did not like it might be painful to work on the project.

    Lets see those monkey surf!

  3. Been in California a long time, have seen some ugly surfers, so monkeys, why not?..."shaka bra, little dude" hehehe. Very cute fabric, can wait to see what you make from it.

  4. fun, fun, fun! Surfing monkeys are the best!

  5. Adorable...I may have to have a boy!

  6. I love this fabric. This will be a SUPER cute quilt for a little guy :)

  7. Great fabrics!! And I love that quilt pattern - I can't wait to make it myself!!

  8. Oh I LOOOOOOVE the surf theme. How totally cute. Please please please blog the finished product.

  9. It will be darling! I can't wait to see it! :)

  10. Oh my gosh, I just love those Surfin' Monkeys! Can't wait to see your quilt!

  11. It is difficult to find nice boys fabric - I like this :)

  12. How cool that you got your first commission project!! It's going to be an adorable blanket.

  13. Hey! Just had to say OMG to using Fruitcake with the Designer Mystery patterns! OMG! If you do it, please post!! That would be so neat!

  14. I'm excited to see how this quilt comes together! Congrats on your first commission :)

  15. love those surfing monkeys! so cute!!

  16. I think this will be such fun - and the pattern looks ideal for all that colour and pattern in the fabric. Juliex


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