Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Dreaming of rainbows.

If you aren't familiar with that quilt there, it was made by the lovely Lindsey at Happier than a Bird Quilts. She made it from my Linky Love pattern, and Vanessa's Simply Color ombré jelly roll.

She sent it to me this past week. ♥

This winter has been very bittersweet for me.
This blog has been quiet because I had been working on the best kind of WIP, but the baby lost his or her heartbeat around the end of 2013. :( It was our second loss in a row, and just hard. And confusing.

My heart has been so soft to the women who go through these things without two littles at home to snoogle. And I've been even softer to those two littles at home. Appreciating them more. Seeing them better. And their wonderful dad too... who has been so incredibly good to me.

So I hadn't been doing a lot of sewing. But it's picking back up again. And it felt like time to get back to the blog. I anticipate you'll be hearing more from me again, more often. You can find me on Instagram too (Hubby bought me an ipad for Christmas). :)


I'm going to be running a few pattern sales in the next few weeks, because not only have the last few months been kind of rough, they've also been burdeningly expensive. So the Linky Love pattern is on sale for $6 for a limited time if you'd like to buy one! Here and on Craftsy. :) Thank you! ♥

(and P.S. Go look at pinksuedeshoe's version of Linky Love that lives on her bed! It's amazing!)

Monday, April 7, 2014

2 1/2

Scarlet Grace - 2 1/2

My little Scarlet Grace. ♥

You didn't get a post when you turned 2. You will get one now.

You have a smudged face in this picture because you insist on doing all things yourself. "I do it." So I (usually) let you clean your own face.

Your bright blue eyes still surprise me.

You are an amazing little shopping buddy, and you know just what you like. "I no like dat." "I want dat one!" You exuberantly exclaim, "Pretty Mommy!" when I try something on (even if it's just so-so).

Daddy says you are all "Fire & Ice." He is on to something. Mommy says you are equal parts "Sweet & Sassy." I am also on to something.

You love to have your back rubbed, with mama's piano fingers.

You, like your brother at this age, like to be told stories. Cinderella is your current favorite. Nemo is a frequent contender for top spot in the rotation.

You love Anna. Steiger loves Elsa. This correlation fits not only your birth order, but your personalities as well.

You hop, skip, or jump almost everywhere. I adore watching you run more than most anything I can watch, or jumping on the trampoline.

I could also listen to you talk all day. You repeat highly sophisticated phrases with a newly forming voice and diction, and it is adorable.

You still love your "banties" (blankies). Thank goodness you are not discriminating against which of the 8 little flannel receiving blankets you hold. Though you prefer to have all 8 of them at once. ♥

You suck your thumb when you hold them.

You're still rear-facing in the carseat, and I attribute the blankies for helping make this as stress free as possible.

You love your brother utterly, but I still don't think as much as he loves you.

You want to sit on our laps to eat your dinner lately. You ate more independently at 8 months than now at 30 months... hmmm...

You love soups and broth. Which makes me really happy because I love them too. You also love broccoli.

You love to copy Steiger. When he writes his name, you must write yours... you make a mean backwards S. :)

You do not have any trouble voicing your opinion, but can be flexible too. Again -- sweet & sassy.

You love to hold on like a monkey, be loved, be in control, be independent, and be comforted all at once.

You have your mama's heart (Daddy's and Steiger's too). We love you little Scarlet Grace.

(and yes, I am aware I've been gone for quite some time... I'll give you an update shortly)