Friday, November 22, 2013

stashing - Dowry from i don't do dishes

I knew I would get it as soon as I came out.

This is Anna Maria Horner's new line, Dowry. And I was so happy to have snatched up a bundle from Caitlin at idon'tdodishes.

Dowry FQ bundle

That Anna Maria knows how to do color so beautifully!

Dowry FQ bundle

Caitlin sent me the bundle all stacked together so pretty; it was almost hard to untie it.

Dowry FQ bundle from Idon'tdodishes

While I was there, I picked up some of the Bluebird Park textures too. I love them. :)

Bluebird park and a couple extras

It has been a week around here... big ups and downs that have left me utterly grateful.

And speaking of grateful, I wanted to say thank you for those who voted on my Roundhouse quilt... it won a viewer's choice award at the Blogger's Quilt Festival. So thank you!

Hopefully I'll be back over here soon.

I have two quilts I have to finish before I get to keep playing with these (planning to add my Dowry FQ's in here), but I'm considering making it a quilt-a-long. But only if I can finish it first. Because I have learned too much about quilt-a-longs and myself and that I have to have the quilt finished before I make it a quilt-a-long. So maybe I'll just do a block tutorial instead. ;)

Fairway WIP