Friday, November 25, 2011

pink and red

A happy (belated) Thanksgiving from our family!

I haven't been sleeping much, but we are doing really well. :)  Thank you to those who have been checking on us!

Baby girl turns seven weeks tomorrow (wow).  She and I have big plans to hit JoAnn's and get a good deal on batting (hopefully there's some left!)

Lately she's working on her smiling (and Mommy's working on capturing it).



(and you can see how her eating every 2 1/2 hours around the clock is giving her a nice little double chin).

She's oh so snuggly...


and does the cutest little stretches.


(I swear, if anything gets me to have a third baby, it will be these adorable newborn stretches)

I've done a little bit of sewing (it's taken me about a week/block). ;)

for Scarlet's bedding set

This will be for Scarlet's bedding set.  (It's Moda's Sophie collection, paired with chenille)

for Scarlet's bedding set

My goal is for Steiger and Scarlet both to get new bed sets for Christmas... hopefully I make it!

And here's our recipe for pink salad (aka "Overnight Cranberry Salad")


1 lb. fresh cranberries
2-3 apples
1/2 lb. miniature marshmallows
1 c. sugar
2 c. freshly whipped cream

Core apples (can peel, but we don't).  Chop apples and cranberries well (I pulse them in a food processor).  Add marshmallows and sugar (I use less sugar than it calls for).  Mix together and let it sit overnight.  Next day, fold in the whipped cream... Delicious (and so easy!)