Tuesday, March 30, 2010

What I discovered this morning: an artist and fruitcake

I was busy getting stuff ready for Jay's lunch when I noticed Steiger was no longer pushing his "chugga-chugga."

Naturally, I looked about.  He didn't answer, or come crawling out around the corner immediately, and  he wasn't standing in his favorite window.  I quickly discovered him tucked between the chair and couch.  Doing this...

It's the basket where I keep all my quilting magazines and patterns.  I've been trying to get a few minutes to draw out a design idea (that's my graph-paper tablet), so the pencil and paper were sitting on top.  He knew just what to do with them!  (clever little man)

I also had a box of fruitcake delivered to me!  It's for my next modabakeshop project!!! :) 

Christmas can't come too early, can it?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Help me decide! Which poppies?

I need to make a valance for the freshly painted bathroom.

I'll probably add a stripe to the top or bottom, but one of these 2 fabrics, Poppy by Laura Gunn, will make the majority of the valance.

So do I go with the green on green look?  With the aqua dots and pinky-red roses?

Or, my favorite of the line... the gray, with spicier red?

The paint is called "Aloe Vera," and is almost the color of honeydew.  Very fresh.


I'm leaning toward the green, because I like the idea of putting aqua in there, and I wouldn't have to take back all the towels I bought at TJ Maxx.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Busy, busy, busy...

I've got a couple things going on...

But drawing quilting lines...

or cutting out shapes...

is no easy task.  Not when other certain little people also have a lot going on.

Like organizing the cupboards...

or helping Elli keep a watch out...

or trying a new green brow color... (it's aptly named 'guacamole')

Or just following Mom around everywhere she goes.  And then looking this cute.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Steiger's quilt is finished!

Steiger's quilt, started way back when is done!

We love it.

Natalia quilted circles all over it; I'm so glad I sent it to her.  I wanted to quilt it myself, but with the minky backing, I was nervous.

Here it is!

Fabrics are mostly Forest Fun by Amy Schimler for Robert Kaufman.  Backing is by Amy Schimler, in minky.  Sashing is Kona chocolate.  Binding is from Animal Party by Amy Schimler, and done on the bias.  Model Steiger is almost a year old!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Notes for newbies - hand quilting tutorial

The center appliqué section of my (soon to be coming) modabakeshop tutorial calls for hand quilting. 

It was the first time I'd ever tried it.  I hope this helps save you some trial and error!

Anna Maria Horner recently posted a tutorial on hand-quilting.  I wish this had been done before I started; her tutorial is excellent, and also a great resource.

(Click on the pictures to read the text)

Hiding the knot:

Quilting along:

Hiding the ending knot:

When you fail to hide the knot:

So pretty at the end. :)

A few final thoughts:

- You need an embroidery needle, but it will save your fingers if you use a smaller, rather than larger one.  I'd use the smallest size you can find that will fit the thread.

- A thimble helps

- Most quilters would tell you to use a hoop; I didn't.

- The thread here is Perle cotton No. 8 in assorted coordinating colors.  I found mine here.

- Hand quilting is great to have on hand when the baby falls asleep in the car and you don't want to wake him, or you want to sit in front of the TV and still do something.

Notes for newbies - Oz bricks appliqué tutorial

As mentioned in my (soon to be coming) modabakeshop tutorial, Natalia has a great tutorial on starch appliqué.

If you prefer to use fusible, these notes might be helpful to you.  I used this tutorial by Elizabeth Hartman (from Oh Fransson!) to learn initially.

I use freezer paper to stabilize the back, Heat 'n Bond lite as my fusible webbing, and a fabric pencil to trace when necessary.

I hope you find these helpful!

Click on the pictures to read the text.

Fusible method:

Starch method:

After placing a towel on your ironing board, starch the heck out of the base and pieces to appliqué.

Pin or glue your piece pieces down, and straight, blanket, or free-motion stitch down.  

For the name, I like to use the blanket stitch.  

Adding letters is simple if you're using the starch method.
Simply print and cut out, trace on to solid fabric (don't forget to check right vs. wrong side if you're using a non-solid fabric)

Cut out, and sew on.
Really not as scary as it seems. 

I haven't forgotten you Davi!

It will be late and will have to be sent to you via mail or the next time I visit, but I've started.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

for Urban home goods swap

for Urban home goods swap
Originally uploaded by traceyjay

Before Steiger woke up this morning, I worked on my mosaic for my Urban home goods swap (http://www.flickr.com/groups/1330324@N25/)... (I guess daylight savings has a few perks).

I don't know how great I am at making these mosaics yet, but it was fun nonetheless to look at pretty pictures.

And I have some exciting news. Moda Bake shop liked Molly's Oz quilt! Now I just need to get writing up the directions! geeeeee...

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Patchwork on the wall

My husband and I are not the best when it comes to house-work, or decorating... but today, he turned this:

in to this!

(And yes, those are the stock photos in many of those frames). ;)

In quilty news... look what I got this week. :)

In Steiger news... he learned to say 'Mama!' He's been saying "Dada" for a while now, but now I have been named too.

He's calling me now... by name! gotta go...

But wait! Something else to tell...

One of my favorite places to go on the web, Burgundy Buttons, is having a giveaway via another one of my favorite places to go, jaybird quilts. Go see! (I get extra credit points for telling you)

They're giving away some of this:

Sunday, March 7, 2010

While Jay tilled the ground.

We're getting a lawn... and a real back yard!

Last night, my husband decided we needed a rototiller, so he could plant a lawn today. So off to Lowe's we went.

Jay started early this morning (notice the weeds where he hasn't tilled)

Now those little seedlings just need to grow, grow, grow!
To pass the time, and enjoy this gorgeous day, Steiger and I took two walks, and even helped a bit at the end (I raked for a while too, but didn't last long!) We also mowed 3/4 of the front lawn, until he fell asleep, and I brought him in... and still he sleeps now. :)

While Steiger was napping this morning, I did some sewing for a sweet little friend's upcoming first birthday.

Her room is pink, green, and ivory... and this suits her perfectly! Her mama said she wanted something shabby chic, and traditional...

I had an Aviary jelly roll I bought on sale last year, because I loved it and wanted to make a daisy chain with it for the little girl I hope to one day have, (and because it was on sale). I also had 3/4 yd. of this beautiful ivory print. I debated just doing a large center piece with a 9-patch border... but then I saw this picture, and changed the design. I pulled out the pink and green pieces from the jelly roll, cut some Moda Bella in Fig Tree cream...

I still need to add a pieced border, but here's what I have so far.

(and yes, I lied... I told you in the last post that I wouldn't start a new quilt until I made curtains... well, we need some hooks and a rod...that sounds like fishing... anyway, Jay agreed that it would be fine to get this one going).

I'm really so happy with it, and have no doubt its new little owner will love it too.

All in all, a beautiful Sunday.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

WIP Wednesday - quilting has commenced. :)

I can't show you a lot today, because I still want this quilt to be somewhatuva surprise. :)

But here are some sneak peeks of the quilting.

All I have to say, is it pays to be a little girl in my family.

I'm doing diagonal lines at a 60 degree angle.
I ordered some of these,
and I'm hand-quilting the applique section.

I am so proud of this quilt.

In other quilty news -

- I promised Jay that when I finish this quilt, I won't start any more until I make curtains, for which I already have (expensive) fabric.

- There's a craft/sewing expo in Sacramento at the end of the month; anyone want to join me?

- I have figured out that I need to take my binding with me in the car. That way, when Steiger falls asleep on the way home from swimming lessons, I can let him sleep and get almost an hour of sewing in. This is how I will get to hand-sewing my binding.

- I bought 12 yards of batting (warm & white) this weekend. I really need to get those curtains done!

- I finished the baby quilt for the little guy arriving today or any day soon. It has been sent to its new home.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Happy Birthday my handsome husband.

I am one lucky lady.

And so glad you were born.

And so glad you decided to marry me... even if both of us swore at one point that we would never even like the other one.

Steiger has a wonderful Daddy,

and we have a beautiful life because of you and your hard work.

(And thank you for taking turns with me last night while Steiger was up, even though it was your birthday.)